Hello 21st Century Families,
This is a reminder that tomorrow, Tuesday, March 11th is an early dismissal day. Students will be served lunch & dismissed at 12:30pm. Please ensure there is someone to pick them up or receive them after getting off the bus. Have a great day!

Hello 21st Century Families,
Next Tuesday, February 25th is an early dismissal day. Students will be served lunch & dismissed at 12:30pm.

Hello 21st Century Families,
Next Tuesday, January 28th is an early dismissal day. Students will be served lunch & dismissed at 12:30pm.

Join us for our Student of the Month Celebration next Friday! The character trait for the month of January is empathy. See the flyer for details...

Hello 21st Century Families,
Please join us for our Family Math Day next Thursday! See the flyer for details...

Hello 21st Century Families,
There will be no school on Monday, January 20th due to Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

Hello 21st Century Families,
Thursday, February 13th is Picture Retake Day!

Hello 21st Century Families,
Welcome back! Please Note: Tuesday, January 14th is an early dismissal day. Students will be served lunch & dismissed at 12:30pm.

Bus 1 is now leaving the school.

Hi 21st Century Families,
Route 1 afternoon bus will be arriving 10 minutes late to the school. I will send a notice out once the bus leaves the school.

Good morning 21st Families,
Route 2 is running 20 minutes behind.

Hello 21st Century Families!
This is a reminder that next week Friday, Dec. 20th is an early dismissal day on the last day of school before Winter Break. Students will be served lunch & dismissed at 12:30pm!

Hello 21st Century Scholars,
Please join us for a Christmas Spirit Week on the last week of school before Winter Break! Each day has a special theme. See the flyer for details...

Hello 21st Century Families,
Route 2 is running about 10 minutes behind.

Hello 21st Century Families,
Please note these important dates regarding Winter Break & the dates leading up to it...

Hello 21st Century Families,
This is a reminder that tomorrow, December 3rd is an early dismissal day. Students will be served lunch & dismissed at 12:30pm. Please ensure that there is someone to pick up your scholar or receive them after getting off the bus. Have a great evening!

Please click on the link to access the December Parent Newsletter.

Celebrating pathway goals with making a snack.

Hello 21st Century Families,
This is a reminder that there is no school for students on Monday, November 25th-Friday, November 29th due to our Fall Break! Classes will resume on Monday, December 2nd. Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Monday, November 25th from 2pm-8pm & Tuesday, November 26th from 8am-1pm. Reach out to your child's teacher to schedule a conference date & time. We hope all of our scholars enjoy their Fall Break starting Monday!

Good afternoon 21st Century Family, We are pleased to invite all parents to meet with their child(ren)'s teacher now that the first quarter has concluded. This is a valuable opportunity to discuss your child's progress and address any questions or concerns. Connect with your child's teacher to get your appointment scheduled. Contact the front office at 708-668-9470 if you have any questions or concerns. Please see the attached flyer for dates and times.