The first day of school is Wednesday, August 21st. Please be sure to log in to skyward to view your child’s homeroom teacher. We are looking forward to a wonderful first day and an amazing year!
What a great end to a wonderful program! OLS scholars who participated in our Summer Success Academy had an opportunity to build bridges, design theme parks, created riddles, partook in a “Math Blast”, and became experts in horticulture!#winning
Parents! Please like our new Facebook Page @Ols163 and our Twitter Page @ols163. Let's get connected for important information and events. #winning
Today we kicked off the start of the 2019-2020 school year with our Summer Success Academy program. Our scholars are designing drafts for bridges, creating their marketing plan for an amusement park, and thinking analytically as they participate in socratic seminars. #winning
Attention parents and scholars registered for our Summer Success Academy, Tuesday to Thursday! Just a reminder, please make sure students are dropped off by 8:30 and picked up at 12:30. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. We are so excited to see our scholars tomorrow!
Just a reminder, OLS Summer Success Academy will take place August 13-15, from 8:30-12:30. Please ensure that students arrive on time and picked up by 12:30. I am looking forward to a week of learning and supporting our scholars. #olswinning #elevatingexcellence
8th grade parents, if you were not able to attend our parent forum this evening, please plan to attend another date to learn more about our 8th Leadership Ambassador Program.