Blackhawk Families,
Mark your calendars for our Black History Program "School's in Session." Our program is March 12, 2025, with two shows at 9:30AM and 1:30PM show.

Hello Blackhawk Families,
Please read the attached letter and flyer. This will give you information regarding the rescheduling of our Black History Program "School's in Session." Our new Black History Program date is March 12, 2025. We will still do a 9:30AM and 1:30PM show.

Hello Blackhawk Families, Please Note: Tuesday, January 14th is an early dismissal day. Students will be served lunch & dismissed at 12:30pm.

Hello Blackhawk Families,
There will be no school on Monday, January 20th due to Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

Enchanted Backpacks is visiting Blackhawk Primary Center on Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2025, at 10:00am to drop of learning resource supplies for our students. We will need volunteers to help get supplies off the truck as well as sorting items for distribution to students. I hope to see many of our Blackhawk families come out to help our students receive these amazing supplies.

Blackhawk Families,
Fall Picture Retake Day is on Thursday, January 9, 2025.

Blackhawk Families,
Please note that our Winter Break is quickly approaching!

Hello Blackhawk Families! This is a reminder that Friday, Dec. 20th is an early dismissal day on the last day of school before Winter Break. Students will be served lunch & dismissed at 12:30pm!

We are celebrating our 12 Days to Christmas. Please see the calendar of the "spirit wear" for each day!

We are having a referral free incentive "Silent Party" on December 17th. This is a fun event your child will not want to miss. Please read the flyer for the details regarding what is needed for the headphones.

Blackhawk Winter Program is quickly approaching. Our winter program is Tuesday, December 10, 2024, and performances will be held in the gym at Blackhawk at 9:30 am & 1:30 pm. We ask that students come dressed in all black for the performance. We can't wait to see each of our Blackhawk families.

Blackhawk Primary Center's Holiday Program is approaching. Please join us on December 10, 2024 for our fantastic holiday program. You can join us for our 9:30 AM show or the 1:30 PM show. We look forward to you joining us in celebrating our winter holiday!!

Hello Blackhawk Families, This is a reminder that Tuesday, November 19th is an early dismissal day. Students will be served lunch & dismissed at 12:30pm.

Our Parent-Teacher Conferences are upcoming on November 25th (2:00pm-5:00pm & 6:00pm-8:00pm) and November 26th (8:00am-1:00pm). Blackhawk Primary Center is expecting to have 100% parent participation. If you do not have a conference scheduled please contact your child(s) teacher to set up a day and time.

Hello Blackhawk Families, This is a reminder that Monday, November 11th is no school due to Veteran’s Day!

Join us at Blackhawk Primary Center on November 21, 2024 from 9:45am-10:30am for Community Day. You will be able to see our New Windows and Lighting, Play-Based Learning Kindergarten Program as well as Engaging Classrooms.

There is no school for students on Tuesday, November 5th for Election Day.

Blackhawk families,
October 31st is Character day at Blackhawk Primary Center. All students are allowed to dress as their favorite character. Please ensure that your child(ren)s character day costumes are school appropriate. Class parties will take place at 1p.m

October 29, 2024 is an Early Dismissal Day. All students will be dismissed at 12:30 p.m.

Parents, please join us for Blackhawk's annual Reading Night today Thursday, October 17th at 6:00pm. This will be an exciting opportunity for you and your students to listen to engaging stories with entertaining activities that students will love! Some of the activities will include scavenger hunts, making snacks, arts and crafts, and much, much more! This will be a great event for parents and students alike to celebrate the joy of reading! We can't wait to see you tonight here at Blackhawk!