“District 163 is working to stop the spread! 12:30 early school dismissal and vaccine clinic on Monday, December 6th for our community. Ages 5 through adult welcome! #elevatingexcellence”
about 3 years ago, Michelle Obama School of Technology and the ARTS
Early Dismissal 12-6-21
Please see the flyer for the upcoming Vaccination Clinic.
about 3 years ago, Michelle Obama School of Technology and the ARTS
Vaccination Clinic
MOSTA Holiday Show 21-22, “The Patriot Express”! Get your ticket asap, on sale tomorrow at MOSTA; door 13, 8-9AM; door 9, 3:30-5PM. Donations $1/ticket.
about 3 years ago, Principal Foster
MOSTA Toy Giveaway! 12/22, stay tuned for more details.
about 3 years ago, Principal Foster
Toy Giveaway
8th grade is Decking the Halls with “12 Days of Genius”!
about 3 years ago, Principal Foster
12 days
A glimpse into our performing arts and innovation classes. Our students work hard! #elevatingexcellence
about 3 years ago, Michelle Obama School of Technology and the Arts
pab classes
Michelle Obama student toy give-away. More details coming soon!
about 3 years ago, MOS VIP Updates
Does your child want to participate in the Spelling Bee? Please have them connect with their ELA teacher this week!
about 3 years ago, Principal Foster
Caregiver Empowerment Group Registration Link:https://www.eventbrite.com/e/210074627867
about 3 years ago, Principal Foster
Early Dismissal, 11/18
about 3 years ago, Principal Foster
early dismissal
Please see the attached flyer regarding guidelines for the care of district technology.
about 3 years ago, T. J. Lee
Chromebook Care
8th grade families, Rich 227 in-coming freshman testing is scheduled for December 4th at our FAC Campus located at 5000 Sauk Trail, Richton Park, IL 60471. Attached please find the registration flyer. This registration flyer can also be found on their website at www.rich227.org.
about 3 years ago, Principal Foster
freshmen testing
Congratulations to our 8th graders in the Intro to Agriculture class for participating in the FFA Dairy CDE this evening!
about 3 years ago, Ms. Valente
Studies have shown that kids who regularly get an adequate amount of sleep have improved attention, behavior, learning, memory, and overall mental and physical health. For more information about the importance of sleep for children, check out the article below https://www.hopkinsallchildrens.org/ACH-News/General-News/The-importance-of-sleep-for-kids
about 3 years ago, Michelle Obama School of Technology and the Arts
sleep 2
sleep 1
There are amazing things happening in our classrooms here at Michelle Obama School of Technology and the Arts. Here are a few pictures of our students engaging with each other and their teachers to enhance their learning!
about 3 years ago, Michelle Obama School of Technology and the Arts
Math and Science
8th Grade families, please see the flyers below for important dates and information from Rich Township Dist. 227. You can also access the flyers by clicking the link below. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1THx8_a4pJAas_Y5o-ioC41uAthcZTqs_?usp=sharing
about 3 years ago, T. J. Lee
Placement Testing
RAMP UP 2022
RICH 227 Class of 2026 Calendar
Spirit week concluded on Friday with Costume Day. Check out some of our students and staff in their amazing costumes!
about 3 years ago, Michelle Obama School of Technology and the Arts
Spirit Week
Exciting NEW 6th-8th grade student program: Educational Talent Search! Apply now: https://5il.co/117r0 Applications can be turned in to homeroom teachers or the main office at Michelle Obama School. Program starts next week, 11/2! Only 150 spaces to participate.
about 3 years ago, Principal Foster
Application Cover
Spirit Week continued with students bringing their school supplies to school in anything but a book bag. Look at the creativity of some of our students!
about 3 years ago, T. J. Lee
Spirit Week Tuesday
Boys Basketball tryouts will be held this Tuesday and Wednesday from 4:15 to 6:00 PM in the Large Gym. A parent informational will be held from 6:15 to 7:15 PM. Good luck Patriots!
about 3 years ago, T. J. Lee