Good evening 8th Grade MOSTA Parents, Graduation is approaching and we would like for you all to join us for a very important meeting. Each student who attends with a parent/guardian will earn 1 graduation point. Please come out to discuss the requirements and important dates for your students. Please see the flyer attached. Any questions or concerns please contact the front office at 708-668-9600.
10 months ago, Kaylah Latiker
8th grade parent meeting
Dear MOSTA FAMILY, Join us for our Black History Show on February 29th at GOVERNOR'S STATE UNIVERSITY, starting at 7pm. Tickets are available for purchase at the MOSTA front office from 12pm-3pm and on the day of the show. We recommend getting them early. For inquiries, please reach out to the front office at 708-668-9600. See the attached flyer. We look forward to your presence!
10 months ago, Kaylah Latiker
black history program
Dear MOSTA Family, We are so excited to introduce Michelle Obama's Valentines Dance event on Friday February 16, 2024 for our students and kindly seek your support in encouraging them to fulfill the necessary requirements for participation. All students who have passed 6 lessons for both MATH and READING between 1/22 - 2/9 will be invited to the dance. The event will be held from 6:30 pm-8:30pm, the cost for the dance is $10 or 20 R.E.A.L Bills. Any student who completed 12 lessons passed will be invited for free. If a student passed 15 lessons, they will gain entrance to the V.I.P section. See the attached flyer for more details! If you have any questions or concerns please contact the front office at 708-668-9600.
10 months ago, Kaylah Latiker
Valentines dance
Hello SD 163 Families! Please flyer for more details!
10 months ago, SD163 Updates
Lets glow day party
Dear MOSTA Family, We are so excited to introduce Michelle Obama's Valentines Dance event for our students and kindly seek your support in encouraging them to fulfill the necessary requirements for participation. All students who have passed 6 lessons for both MATH and READING between 1/22 - 2/9 will be invited to the dance. The event will be held from 6:30 pm-8:30pm, the cost for the dance is $10 or 20 R.E.A.L Bills. Any student who completed 12 lessons passed will be invited for free. If a student passed 15 lessons, they will gain entrance to the V.I.P section. See the attached flyer for more details! If you have any questions or concerns please contact the front office at 708-668-9600.
10 months ago, La' Joya Albright
Valentines Day Dance
Hello, this is a reminder from School District 163 that Tuesday, February 20th, is an early dismissal day. Students will be served lunch and dismissed at 12:30 p.m. Pre-Kindergarten will be dismissed at 10:45 a.m. All bus riders will depart at 12:30 p.m. There will be no afternoon Pre-Kindergarten classes or X-STEAM.
10 months ago, SD163 Updates
Early Dismissal- Feb 20th
Good Afternoon MOSTA Families, Please see the attached flyer for the upcoming 8th grade events. All student who attend these events will earn (1) 8th grade graduation point per event. Thank you have a great Day!
10 months ago, La' Joya Albright
freshman night 1
freshman 2
Hello, SD 163 Families! This is a reminder there is no school on Monday, February 19th, in observance to Presidents' Day. School will resume Tuesday, February 20th, which is a 12:30 early release day.
10 months ago, SD163 Updates
Presidents' Day
Dear Mosta Family, We are so excited to introduce Michelle Obama's Valentines Dance event for our students and kindly seek your support in encouraging them to fulfill the necessary requirements for participation. All students who pass 6 lessons for both MATH and READING between 1/22 - 2/9 will be invited to the dance. The cost is $10 or 20 R.E.A.L Bills. Any student who completes 12 lessons passed will be invited for free. If a student passes 15 lessons, they will gain entrance to the V.I.P section. See the attached flyer for more details! If you have any questions or concerns please contact the front office at 708-668-9600
11 months ago, Kaylah Latiker
Valentine’s Dance
Good evening MOSTA Parents, Just a friendly reminder that 8th-grade graduation pictures will be taken on Tuesday, February 13th. Each student will have the opportunity to take one cap and gown photo, as well as a second photo in dress attire. Payment for the pictures will be required upon receiving the proofs, which will include 2 headshots (cap & gown) and 2 pose (3/4) photos. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact the front office at 708-668-9600. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
11 months ago, Kaylah Latiker
graduation picture
Dear Mosta Family, We are so excited to introduce Michelle Obama's Valentines Dance event for our students and kindly seek your support in encouraging them to fulfill the necessary requirements for participation. All students who pass 6 lessons for both MATH and READING between 1/22 - 2/9 will be invited to the dance. The cost is $10 or 20 R.E.A.L Bills. Any student who completes 12 lessons passed will be invited for free. If a student passes 15 lessons, they will gain entrance to the V.I.P section. See the attached flyer for more details! If you have any questions or concerns please contact the front office at 708-668-9600
11 months ago, Kaylah Latiker
Hello, this is a reminder from School District 163 that Tuesday, February 6th, is an early dismissal day. Students will be served lunch and dismissed at 12:30 p.m. Pre-Kindergarten will be dismissed at 10:45 a.m. All bus riders will depart at 12:30 p.m. There will be no afternoon Pre-Kindergarten classes or X-STEAM.
11 months ago, SD163 Updates
Early Dismissal- February 6th
Today, our 7B team celebrated those students who have displayed the R.E.A.L Patriot way for the first half of second quarter. They were treated to a pizza party organized by their math teachers. Keep up the great work! !
11 months ago, Jenna Gbur
7B REAL Patriots
Good afternoon Mosta Family, Bus 500 is running behind, we do apologize for the delay. Any questions or concerns contact the front office at 708-668-9600.
11 months ago, Kaylah Latiker
Good morning MOSTA Family, We're excited to announce the upcoming spelling bee hosted here at Michelle Obama Middle School of Technology and the Arts January 18th at 9am. The spelling bee will be located in the Patriot gym. Please enter through door 13. Please see the flyer below.
11 months ago, Kaylah Latiker
spelling bee
Student's in Mrs. Prasopoulos's 8th grade science class are using superworms to calculate speed and distance. Next week they will calculate their superworm's kinetic energy!
12 months ago, Ms. Valente
Hello, This is a reminder from School District 163 that Tuesday. January 16th is an early dismissal day. Students will be served lunch and dismissed at 12:30 p.m. Pre-Kindergarten will be dismissed at 10:45 a.m. All bus riders will depart at 12:30 p.m. There will be no afternoon Pre-Kindergarten classes or X-STEAM.
12 months ago, SD163 Updates
Early Dismissal- Jan 16th
Hello SD 163 Families! This is a reminder there is no school on Monday, January 15th observing Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. School will resume Tuesday, January 16th, which is a 12:30 early release day.
12 months ago, SD163 Updates
MLK Day 2023
Hello, This is a reminder from School District 163 that Friday, December 22nd is an early dismissal day. Students will be served lunch and dismissed at 12:30 p.m. Pre-Kindergarten will be dismissed at 10:45 a.m. All bus riders will depart at 12:30 p.m. There will be no afternoon Pre-Kindergarten classes or X-STEAM.
about 1 year ago, SD163 Updates
Early Dismissal- December 22nd
Dear MOSTA FAMILY, Join us for our festive NO PARENTS NO PROBLEM Holiday Show on December 20th and 21st at Rich South High School, starting at 7pm. Tickets are available for purchase at the MOSTA front office from 10am-3pm and on the day of the show. For inquiries, please reach out to the front office at 708-668-9600. See the attached flyer. We look forward to your presence!
about 1 year ago, Kaylah Latiker
Holiday Show