Tuesday February 11, 2025 is an Early Dismissal!
28 days ago, Dr. Chinn
early dismissal
Mohawk students are 100 days smarter!!!!!
28 days ago, Dr. Chinn
Save the date and join us for Primary Math Day.
about 2 months ago, Dr. Chinn
Math Day
Ms. Acevez entered her student's drawing into the Weather Sketchers Club. Be on the lookout for Angel's drawing on channel 7 news😊
about 2 months ago, Dr. Chinn
Dress like a present day!
3 months ago, Dr. Chinn
present day
Early Dismissal Friday! please see the flyer.
3 months ago, Dr. Chinn
early dismissal
Mohawk is so grateful for the Angels of The Davidic Generational Outreach Ministry! Thank you for supporting our school!
4 months ago, Dr. Chinn
The Davidic Generational Outreach Ministry
Math Matters!!!! Mrs. Nave's students are flying high with their math facts!!!
4 months ago, Dr. Chinn
Early dismissal coming soon!!! Please see the flyer attached.
4 months ago, Dr. Chinn
Save the Date, for Mohawk's holiday program!!!
4 months ago, Dr. Chinn
Save the date parent teacher conferences are rapidly approaching!
4 months ago, Dr. Chinn
pt confer
Showing up for class matters. Students can’t benefit from investments in high quality instruction and more engaging, rigorous curriculum unless they are in their classroom. As early as the first month of school, chronic absence (missing 10 percent or more of school days) can be an early warning sign of academic trouble, whether a student is in kindergarten or high school. Children who miss too much school in kindergarten and first grade often struggle to read proficiently by the end of third grade. By sixth grade it becomes a key predictor that a student will drop out of high school. #AttendanceWorks. We need our children in school!
4 months ago, Dr. Chinn
Thank you to all Veterans! We honor you for your service!!!
4 months ago, Dr. Chinn
veterans day
Mohawk parents show up for our school festivities!!!! We appreciate our Mohawk families!
4 months ago, Dr. Chinn
Character day
Save the date for Mohawk picture day!!!
4 months ago, Dr. Chinn
picture day
Our Fall Festival was Fantastic!!!!!
4 months ago, Dr. Chinn
Fall Fest
glow party
petting zoo
Community Day
5 months ago, Dr. Chinn
Fall Festival coming soon!
5 months ago, Dr. Chinn
fall festival
Join us for our upcoming PTO meeting! Please see the flyer attached.
5 months ago, Dr. Chinn
Happy Parent/Teacher conference day at Mohawk!!!
5 months ago, Dr. Chinn
parent conferences