Hello 21st Century Families! Take a look at our little scientists in Ms. Cristelli's Kindergarten class. Today in Science the students were making Fall sensory bottles with a plastic bottle, water, baby oil, leaves, & glitter. How cool is that? Way to go scholars!
over 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
Ms. Cristelli's Science Class
Ms. Cristelli's Science Class
Ms. Cristelli's Science Class
Hello 21st Century Families! Day 2 of Red Ribbon Week was Neon Day! We wore our bright neon colors to show that we are too bright for drugs! Look at our scholars shining bright as they make right choices.
over 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
Red Ribbon Week Day 2-Neon Day
Red Ribbon Week Day 2-Neon Day
Red Ribbon Week Day 2-Neon Day
Red Ribbon Week Day 2-Neon Day
Hello 21st Century Families! Our bus evacuation drill this week was a success. Students learned procedures on how to evacuate the bus in case of an emergency. A huge thanks to Kickert Bus Company for the presentation!
over 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
Bus Evacuation Drill
Bus Evacuation Drill
Bus Evacuation Drill
Hello 21st Century Families! Red Ribbon Week is off to a great start! Day 1 we wore red to show our pledge to be drug free! We are excited that our scholars make right choices here at 21st Century School, "where we come to learn."
over 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
Red Ribbon Week Day 1- Wear Red
Red Ribbon Week Day 1- Wear Red
Red Ribbon Week Day 1- Wear Red
Good Morning 21st Century Families! Here's a sneak peek into Ms. Mulderink's Kindergarten class. This week in Math, our Kindergarten students are learning how to trace numbers. Look at our little mathematicians in the making. Go scholars!
over 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
Ms. Mulderink's Math Class
Ms. Mulderink's Math Class
Ms. Mulderink's Math Class
Good Morning 21st Century Families! Please join us for our Virtual Student of the Month Celebration on Friday, October 29, 2021 at 8:30am. The character trait for October is Self-Control. We're looking forward to honoring all the students who have demonstrated self-control all month long! Please see the flyer for the Zoom meeting ID & passcode or click on the link to access the celebration next Friday! Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/76429481680?pwd=L0JiZnpCRlYwd2pqeWgzQTdkNTcyUT09
over 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
Student of the Month- Friday, October 29th
Good morning 21st Century Families, Here's a sneak peek into Ms. Blackwell's Power Reading Group here at 21st Century School. Our kindergarten students are learning how to identify letters & letter sounds. Go scholars go!
over 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
Power Reading
Power Reading
The results are in! Look at these structures built by some of Ms. Vincent's 2nd grade scholars! Great job little scientists!
over 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
Science in Ms. Vincent's Class
Science in Ms. Vincent's Class
Science in Ms. Vincent's Class
Hello 21st Century Families, Let's take a look into Ms. Ansburg's 1st grade class. Our scholars are learning how to use 5-group cards to count on to find the missing number in Math. Way to go scholars!
over 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
Aiden learning how to count on in Math.
Lilith learning how to count on in Math.
Lucas learning how to count on in Math.
Jream learning how to count on in Math.
Happy Friday 21st Century Families! Take a look at Ms. Vincent's 2nd grade scholars building 12 inch structures with 3 x 5 index cards & paper clips in Science. We're so excited to see what these little scientist create. We love the creativity here at 21st Century School "Where we come to learn."
over 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
Science in Ms. Vincent's Class
Science in Ms. Vincent's Class
Science in Ms. Vincent's Class
Hello 21st Century Families! Character Day is Friday, October 29th. We're going to have a blast! Please read the changes below due to the ongoing pandemic: -No parents in classrooms for parties -Students must put on their own costume -No passing out candy to each other -Social distancing maintained -Masks (health protocols mask) are still required -If sharing candy, individual bags should be prepared 48 hours in advance and placed on student desk during celebration by the teacher after his/her hands are sanitized or gloved.
over 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
Character Day-October 29th
Hello 21st Century Families, Here's a glimpse into Ms. Ansburg's 1st grade class here at 21st Century School. Look at our scholars actively engaged in their iReady lessons. Go scholars! You rock!
over 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
Our scholar, Christian, from Ms. Ansburg's  1st grade class actively engaged in Math on iReady.
Our scholar, Jaiden, from Ms. Ansburg's 1st grade class actively engaged in reading on iReady.
Our scholar, Israel, from Ms. Ansburg's 1st grade class actively engaged in reading on iReady.
Good Afternoon 21st Century Families, School District 163 is offering an after school learning academy for K-1 students beginning October 18th - November 17th. Please complete the survey if you are interested in this wonderful opportunity for your student.
over 3 years ago, La' Joya Albright
After school tutoring
Hello 21st Century Families, Red Ribbon week is approaching and we are excited for our students to participate in the fun filled week.Please see the attached flyer so that your student(s) can join in on all the great ideas to show the stand that we are taking against drugs. We’re looking forward to your participation in Red Ribbon Week here at 21st Century “Where we come to Learn!”
over 3 years ago, La' Joya Albright
Red ribbon week
Ms. Mulderink's, Kindergarten class is fully engaged in learning as they practice counting, keep up the good work scholars..
over 3 years ago, Angela Starks
Hello 21st Century School Families, please enjoy this picture of one of our Steamologist, Devin Dupee as he participates in a lesson taught by Mrs Mele.
over 3 years ago, Angela Starks
Good Afternoon 21st Century Families, I have attached the Parent Welcome letter for Schoology and also the instructions you will need to log into your account. Please retrieve your 12 digit code from your child's teacher. Log in to your account as soon as possible so that you don't miss out on any of our upcoming events. Thank You!
over 3 years ago, La' Joya Albright
parent letter
parent letter
parent letter
parent letter
21st Century Families: Please view the flyer regarding the Bus Evacuation Drill on Thursday, October 14th.
over 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
Bus Evacuation Drill
21st Century Families: Please read the 21st Century Parent Newsletter for important information...https://5il.co/zyey
over 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
Hello 21st Century School Families, Do you know someone that is looking for employment? Please view the following flyers to learn about a few employment opportunities that may be of interest to you.
over 3 years ago, Angela Starks