Our students are excited to be back in school and learning with the assistance of Mrs. Parchman. Keep up the good work staff and students as we pursue excellence, here at 21st Century Primary Center..

Our kindergarten students were fully engaged in a lesson lead by their teacher, Ms. Cristelli. This is what learning looks like here at 21st Century School , "Where We Come to Learn"..

We apologize for the delay, but technology devices for our 2nd-8th grade students started on Friday, August 27, 2021. Please remember your child must return the device they rented from last year and pay any fees owed in order to get a new device, under warranty, this year. Additionally, you must fill out the technology agreement in order for your child to receive a device. Please use the attached QR code or link to sign up for a device: https://5il.co/xfj9
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Valente at 708-668-9454 and thank you!

Hello 21st Century School Families, please read the very important information that is attached. Please contact Dr. Regina Nottke, Assistant Superintendent of Student Services, at (708) 668-9403 or rnottke@sd163.com, or Nurse Brenda Porter at (708) 214-0203 or bporter@sd163.com with any concerns or questions.

Good Morning 21st Century School Families, Welcome Back to School.. Here are a few reminders....
21st Century opens at 7:50 am. Please do not drop off students before that time. Breakfast begins at 7:55 am. and dismissal for all walkers begins at 2:55 pm. Have a great day....

Hello 21st Century School Families, please view the attached flyer which outlines our district 163 technology rental agreement.

Hello 21st Century School Families, Please view our district transportation letter from our Superintendent Dr. White.

Hello 21st Century School Families, tomorrow is the first day of school. We can't wait to see all of our students, here at 21st Century School , "Where We Come to Learn".

Hello 21st Century School Families, are you familiar with our District 163 (5) In-Person Learning Protocols? Masking, Social Distancing, Healthy Habits, Facilities and Monitoring. Please view the attached flyer for further details.

This is a reminder.... Parents please complete online registration prior to scheduling your in-person appointment to prove residency. If you do not complete both steps prior to the first day of school, your child will not be able to start on August 20th. If you have any questions please contact our school office at 708-668-9470. Please click the link below to register your child: https://www.sd163.com/o/sd163/page/returning-students-registration

Well 21st Century School Families, it's just about that time, time for our students to return to school. Please ensure that your children are registered. Only 5 days to go. We can't wait to see, you here at 21st Century School, "Where We Come to Learn".

Good Morning 21st Century School Families, technology returns will take place Tuesday, August 10th and Thursday August 12th. at Michelle Obama School, door 13 between the hours of 7-9 AM and 2-4 PM. Please be sure to return last year's technology.

Good Morning 21st Century Families, please view the attached flyer below for onsite registration Information. Also please call the following telephone number if you have questions regarding the registration process 1-708-668-9468.

Good Morning 21st Century Families, Welcome to the 2021-2022 School Year. Please view our School District 163 WELCOME BACK Letter from District Superintendent, Dr. Caletha White.
Click link to access welcome back letter: https://5il.co/wk5j

Hello 21st Century Families, We are excited about Online Registration for the 2021-2022 school year. Please use the link provided to access online registration. We can not wait to serve your child here at 21st Century School "Where we Come to Learn". https://www.sd163.com/page/register-online

Congratulations to our 21st Century School, Student of the Month Tablet Winner, Ms. Mulderink"s Kindergarten Student, Willie Rodgers.

Good Morning, 21st Century School Families, Virtual Field Day is almost here. Please join us next Thursday June 3rd for online fun and be on the lookout for a special delivery that will be heading your way so that may continue the field day fun at home. See you soon...

Hello 21st Century School Families, our May Character Trait of the month is Compassion. Please join us for our Student of the Month Celebration Today, Thursday May 27th at 8:30 am on Schoology. See you soon...

Hi families! Please see the attached flyer with information on how you can receive internet resources. Please use the link attached to the flyer to register by May 28th.

Hi Families! Just a reminder, please see the following flyer with registration information for the 2021-2022 school year. The window is now open.