2-22-22 Funtimes!!!! #elevatingexcellence
about 3 years ago, Dr. Chinn
Happy TWOSDAY!!!! Ties, twins, etc. 2-22-22 #elevatingexcellence
about 3 years ago, Dr. Chinn
What happens when you have a Hot Chocolate party for good choices? Bears show up!!!!#elevatingexcellence
about 3 years ago, Dr. Chinn
about 3 years ago, Carenda Lacy
Stop Light Party Play Group
Today is a Great Day to complete the 5 Essentials Survey!!! https://survey.5-essentials.org/Illinois/ Have a Terrific Tuesday #elevatingexcellence
about 3 years ago, Dr. Chinn
5 Essentials
Please visit Algonquin's Lending Library next week during dismissal; more details in the flyer!!!#elevatingexcellence
about 3 years ago, Dr. Chinn
lending library
Please see the flyer attached for the rescheduled vaccination event, hosted by SD163!! Be safe and stay warm. #elevatingexcellence
about 3 years ago, Dr. Chinn
More Fun for the 100th Day of school!!!
about 3 years ago, Dr. Chinn
100th day of school
100th day of school
Algonquin students celebrate learning; it's the 100th day of school!!!!
about 3 years ago, Dr. Chinn
Early Childhood Network Night is coming!!! You don't want to miss it, parent read-aloud; parents will read to our students!!!!
about 3 years ago, Dr. Chinn
Early Dismissal coming soon!!!
about 3 years ago, Dr. Chinn
Early dismissal
Playgroups are back!!!!
about 3 years ago, Dr. Chinn
Are you looking for a job? We would love for you to apply in School District 163!!#elevatingexcellence
about 3 years ago, Dr. Chinn
Parent Workshop: Staying Safe Eventbrite RSVP Link https://www.eventbrite.com/e/240436801947 "Staying Safe" Virtual Parent Workshop "Staying Safe" Virtual Parent Workshop www.eventbrite.com Zoom Link Stephanie Lloyd is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Staying Safe Virtual Parent Workshop Time: Jan 27, 2022 05:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4033603889?pwd=MVVQNm5UdE8wUy80TVF3MGpvbjlGZz09 Meeting ID: 403 360 3889 Passcode: aXHE4s
about 3 years ago, Dr. Chinn
Join the meeting to ensure that you are Staying Safe.
about 3 years ago, Dr. Chinn
Staying Safe
Save the date!!! It's A Virtual Experience!!!
about 3 years ago, Dr. Chinn
Save the date!!!
Attention District 163 Families! We are offering walk-up testing tomorrow January 18th for District 163 students. Testing will be at Michelle Obama School from 10am-2pm . Please enter at door 9. #elevatingexcellence
about 3 years ago, Dr. Chinn
Happy Birthday Dr. Martin Luther King Jr!!!
about 3 years ago, Dr. Chinn
dr king
Are you looking for additional resources for your preschoolers for at home learning? Are you contemplating going back to school yourself? What if I told you that Prairie State College is offering free courses!!!! See the flyer attached for information on how to attend a virtual meeting to have all of your questions answered!!!
about 3 years ago, Dr. Chinn
show and tell
As a reminder, we will implement a weekly COVID-19 testing program for all students. Please click the following link to complete the required parent permission form. The test is an oral/mouth swab. Please see the attached letter for an explanation of the program. https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1749841/covid_testing_students_weekly.pdf Click on link to take survey:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc82TZI0Mk_plGM47vmDI3EWVIcMNFjrSEqrH_de6oG4gCmHg/viewform
about 3 years ago, Dr. Chinn