Leader in Me
Measurable Results Assessment (MRA) Parent-Notification Letter
April 26, 2021
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Our school is implementing a transformational process for 6th – 8th grade students called the Leader in Me, which teaches 21st-century leadership and life skills to students and creates a culture of student empowerment based on the idea that every child can be a leader. Starting the week of Monday, May 3rd, 2021, our school will be conducting surveys to learn more about key areas of strength and areas of needed growth in our school. The data from these surveys will also help us track the impacts of the Leader in Me process and implement key practices. In order for us to have a holistic picture of what is going on in our school, we are asking all full-time staff members, parents/guardians, and students in Grade 6th – 8th grade to participate. Below is additional information about the process and content of the surveys.
Parent Participation
If you decide to participate, you will be asked to complete a survey (without sharing your name or other identifying information) that will be available through a Web link we will send out on Monday, May 3rd, 2021. The survey is completely voluntary, but we do hope to get feedback on or before Friday, May 7th. The parent/guardian survey takes approximately 12 minutes to complete and will ask questions about your child and about his or her experience in our school.
Student Participation
If your child is in Grade 6th – 8th grade and decides to participate, he or she will be asked to complete a 20-minute multiple-choice assessment (no identifying information will be requested or collected). The MRA will be confidentially administered by a classroom teacher. Students will privately answer questions about their attitudes and behaviors on a computer at school. They will be able to skip questions and stop anytime they choose. Students who do not wish to participate in the survey or stop participating, or whose parents choose to deny permission for their participation, will be provided with an appropriate alternative activity (e.g. quiet reading) while the surveys are being administered.
Results will be summarized by grade level and available to the leadership of our school through a password-protected, data-encrypted website.
Please contact
Mrs. McClam-Hollimon, Assistant Principal, @ (708) 668 – 9111 if you have additional questions.
School District 163 will host in person and online Summer School. Emails and letters have been sent to all parents. Please register your child today. Classes will be held Monday - Thursday, June 14 - July 22 from 8 am - noon. Link for registration is on the attached flyer!
OLS Parents and Stakeholders,
Join us Monday, 4/26 at to see our students showcase their talents and exemplify excellence. The event will begin at 6:30 pm following by the monthly Board Meeting for District 163. 8th grades can receive points for attending the meeting.
8th Grade parents and students,
Auditions to participate in graduation by singing or possible speaking parts will take place Friday, April 16th at 1 pm. All details are on the attached flyer!!
Today, we acknowledge our scholars for their academic success during 3rd quarter. We are so excited about the great things that are happening with our student leaders. Please enjoy this video as we honor our scholars!! Congratulations!
8th Grade Parents and Students,
We want you to be prepared as you transition from middle school to high school. Please register for the Rich Township High School Summer Ramp UP program. Register right away!! More detailed information is on the flyer.
8th Grade Parents,
Please review the updated 8th Grade Graduation Letter, Calendar of Events and RAMP Up program through Rich Township High Schools.
$30 Graduation Fees are now due April 30th.
Specific details are in the letter.
Good Morning 8th Leaders and Parents. Our 4th quarter Genius Week will begin Monday, March 29th. We are so excited to have partnered with Rich Township School District 227 to provide fun and engaging activities that will feature many of their innovative programs. Please have your leader check their district email account today for the workshop that they are registered for. Some activities may require certain materials such as ingredients and tools for the culinary workshop or supplies for the art workshops. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Mrs. Phelps at 708-668-9106 before Monday. Also, please join us Tuesday, March 30th at 5:30 for an important 8th Grade Graduation prep meeting. Zoom info will be on our website. www.sd163.com/Barack Obama School
Congratulations to our six iReady winners this week. The rain did not stop the deliveries from happening and Dr. Grant was able to snap one photo. Continue to keep up the great work.
Attention 8th grade! Join us on Tuesday, March 30th for an important 8th grade meeting. Please see the flyer with additional information. The zoom link will be shared via email and text the day prior.
Attention Families! OLS in partnership with CVS Health Presents...A Dose of Knowledge on March 25th at 9:00 a.m. via zoom. Please check out the flyer below with additional information. A letter was also shared through email detailing more about the program.
Hello OLS! Sigma Gamma Rho, Inc. - ENS Alum Chapter will host a Youth Symposium. To register use the following link and select: The Region is - Central Region The Chapter is - Epsilon Nu Sigma https://www.eventbrite.com/e/national-youth-symposium-registration-141050980279
Congratulations to our 7th Grade iReady Winners! Keep up the great work as you continue to lead with excellence in the classroom.
Families: Do you know of anyone who lives within the Park Forest-Chicago Heights School District 163 boundaries with a child/children between the ages of 3-5 who are not currently enrolled in Algonquin's Preschool program? Please share the attached flyer with them...or have them call Mrs. Hughes at 708-668-9202 for more information. There are still a few more spots open for fourth quarter!
Hello Families! Join us on Thursday, March 25th from 6-7 PM for our Virtual STEM Red Carpet Affair. Please see the flyer below for more information. We are looking forward to an evening of entertainment and STEM focused activities.
Attention OLS Families! Please join SD163 on Thursday, March 18th from 5-6 P.M. for our X-STEAM is Lit Glow Party. This will be a drive-thru district family event you do not want to miss. Please see the flyer attached for more information.
Sigma Gamma Rho, Inc. ENS - Alum Chapter Youth Symposium Flyer Attached.
Hello OLS!
Sigma Gamma Rho, Inc. - ENS Alum Chapter will host a Youth Symposium. To register use the following link and select:
The Region is - Central Region
The Chapter is - Epsilon Nu Sigma
Hello District 163, We apologize for the delay in the release of our Black History Program. Please stand by.
OLS Families, OLS March Madness is upon us. Please check out the flyer to learn about our attendance challenge and save the date for our Virtual Spirit Week and Pep Rally! We are looking forward to a new month full of opportunities.