Happy 1st Day of April! Please check out our new family engagement resource section. There you will find some wonderful and fun activities you can do as a family. When you complete one of these activities, please mail Dr. Grant (kgrant@sd163.com) a photo. #keeplearning
Just a reminder, at-home learning packets, if you chose this option, can be turned in on today, March 27th or Monday, March 30th from 8:00-12:00. Please email kgrant@sd163.com or vphelps@sd163.com with any questions you may have
OLS scholars are committed to completing their learning activities (Learning does not stop in SD163)! Way to go scholars! #OLSWINNING #ELEVATINGEXCELLENCE #KEEPLEARNING
Just a reminder, please check the news section to see what educational resources are available to enhance your child's at home learning experience.
Just a reminder, School Curbside Grab and Go, our free breakfast and lunch program, will run from 3/23-4/7. Pick-up times are from 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m., at the nearest school.
Attention OLS Families! Please check our news section to find important information regarding learning activity guides and staff contact information.
Congratulations to our young scientist! Both scholars received an outstanding at the regional Science Fair in Naperville. We are cheering you on as you head to state.
Join us on March 26th for our Innovative STEM Red Carpet Event. More information will be sent out next week.
Yesterday we honored and celebrated our scholars who excelled academically in the second quarter. Way to go OLS leaders who received an award at our Honors Assembly. Keep up the great work.
The 8th grade leaders are attending “Investing in Our Future” college fair and symposium at Colin Powell School. #winning #elevatingexcellence
Congratulations to our January Champions of the Month. Thank you for exhibiting GREATNESS in the classroom and in the school.
Happy Valentines Day from OLS! We are spreading love and kindness throughout the day with innovative activities with a focus on love and smiles! #winning #elevatingexcellence
Please join us on Monday, February 24, as we celebrate our 2nd Quarter Honor Roll Students. Please see the attached flyer for more information. If you have any questions please call the school.
Just a reminder, students will be released early on Thursday, February 13th at 12:30.
It's Flash Back Friday! What a wonderful week of learning and engagement. Our scholars participated in collaborative projects, rocked it in math class, and even were able to enjoy a good read from the principal! We are truly winning at OLS...
Join us on February 20th at 6:00 as we Crack the Code and the Illinois Assessment of Readiness! Learn more about our coding program and how you can help your child do their best on the test. This event will be one that you do not want to miss.
Ours scholars had a blast at the Perfect Attendance Celebration. Keep up the good work OLS scholars... Remember, everyday matters.
Mark your calendar! Our Black History Month program, Harlem Nights, will take place on February 26th @ 1:15. More information will be sent home in the upcoming weeks. All students and all grades will be sure to entertain you!
Parents! We need your help. It is important that your child attends school every day and is here on time, by 8:15 a.m. Each day your child is late or miss school it greatly impacts their ability to learn. Please check out the news area and review the attendance section.
Just a reminder, there will not be school on Monday, January 20th, in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.