Blackhawk Fathers & Daughters,
You are formally invited to our Blackhawk Father-Daughter Experience. Please join us this evening for some exciting fun and engaging activities with a Disney princess theme.
We would like to shout out all of our Blackhawk Students who received the Accelerated Reader incentive for the 2nd Quarter for completing 100% of their weekly reading logs. Keep up the amazing work and enjoy your much deserved incentive. #SoaringToNewHeights2021
Greetings Blackhawk Families,
Please don't forget to RSVP for our Father-Daughter Experience that will be held Friday January 29, 2021 6-7pm. Today is our final day to receive a special gift for our first 20 familes to RSVP. #SoaringToNewHeights2021
Today marks a change in the United State democracy. Happy Inauguration Day to all our Blackhawk familes. History is being made. We are living history. First African American woman VP. #SoaringToNewHeights2021
Happy Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day!!! May his memory live on as we continue to honor his legacy in our lives here in 2021.
Blackhawk Families,
Quick reminder. Today is an early dismissal at 12:30. We have district wide records day. Please reach out to your teacher for any support or questions with the day. #SoaringToNewHeights2021
Greetings Blackhawk Families,
Friday, January 15th is a 12:30 Early Dismissal Day. All students will log in at 8:15 a.m. Students will be dismissed at 12:30 p.m. There will be no afternoon pre-kindergarten classes.
Greetings Blackhawk Parents,
Please save the date: February 24, 2021!! We would like to formally invite you to our virtual Black History Program premiere of “Stand Up: A Festival of Oratory Excellence”
February 24, 2021 @ 7pm. #SoaringToNewHeights2021
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2021!! We would like to wish all our Blackhawk families and school leaders a happy and prosperous new year. Peace & Blessings. #SoaringToNewHeights2021
Blackhawk Family, We are pleased to announce MOSTA holiday program. PLAYBILL
Blackhawk Family,
We are pleased to announce OLS holiday program. "The most spectacular Social-Distanced Winter Show" Enjoy.
Good Evening Blackhawk families,
We are pleased to announce our virtual holiday show.
Please enjoy.
Greetings Blackhawk Families,
We are excited to announce our Blackhawk Holiday program was a hit at the Board meeting on December 14, 2020 our students did an amazing job and we would like to thank all our families for participating. We will release the show live tomorrow. Enjoy.
Hello Blackhawk Families. Friday, December 11th is a 12:30 Early Dismissal Day. All students will log in at 8:30 a.m. Students will be dismissed at 12:30 p.m. There will be no afternoon pre-kindergarten classes. Breakfast and lunch is available for curbside pickup at all schools from 7:15-8:15 AM.
Blackhawk Families,
Breakfast and lunch deliveries will continue today for district families. Each week, deliveries will begin on Mondays and continue during the week until all deliveries are made. A member of our team will be contacting you to confirm the delivery address. If you are not contacted for your delivery, you may contact the district at or 708-668-9425. In addition to deliveries, the district will continue to provide free meals at all schools if you prefer to pick them up. Breakfasts and lunches for three days are available between 7:15am - 8:15am on Mondays and breakfasts and lunches for four days are available between 3pm - 4:30pm on Wednesdays.
Greetings Blackhawk Families,
As you know this Holiday Season we are home for the holidays. Blackhawk would like to formally invite you to our Primary School Holiday Showcase. December 16, 2020. Our student sand staff have been working so diligently to prepare a virtual show for your enjoyment. We are so excited and hope you enjoy the showcase as well. #Blackhawk❤️ourfamilies
Hello Blackhawk Families, this is a reminder from School District 163. There is NO SCHOOL on November 25th-27th for our Thanksgiving Break. School will resume Monday, November 30th. Enjoy! #GobbleGobble
Greetings Blackhawk Families,
District 163 is happy to announce meal dropoffs at your homes. Please see attached flyer for details.
Good Afternoon Blackhawk Families,
We are excited to announce our "Taste of Technology" Reading Night is tomorrow November 18, 2020 from 6-7:30pm. We look forward to hosting all of our wonderful families. Don't forget to stop by Blackhawk for your family night package equiped with all the items you will need for our Reading Night. We are available during school hours for pickup.
Good Morning Blackhawk Families,
Today is a instructional day at Blackhawk Primary Center. We begin at 10:30-3:00pm after staff professional has concluded. We are excited to see all our students today!!! See you all soon.