Happy Monday!!!! Today is a great day for us to LEARN!!!! Every minute counts.
over 5 years ago, Dr. Chinn
Ms. Mccracken's 1st grade students
Ms. Mccracken's 1st grade students
Ms. Mccracken's 1st grade students
Ms. Mccracken's 1st grade students
Happy Monday!!!! Today is a great day for us to LEARN!!!! Every minute counts.
over 5 years ago, Dr. Chinn
Ms. Mccracken's 1st grade students
Ms. Mccracken's 1st grade students
Ms. Mccracken's 1st grade students
Ms. Mccracken's 1st grade students
Today Mohawk School welcomed Captain Meyers from the Park Forest Fire Department into our school for a very important conversation about Fire Safety. Please continue this very important conversation at home.
over 5 years ago, Dr. Chinn
2 Ways Out
Attentive students
Captain Meyers
Enjoy Lunch or Dinner at Aurelio's Pizza in Richton Park to support Mohawk's PTO. Aurelio's will donate 20% of today's profit to Mohawk School for anyone who presents a flyer upon placing an order.
over 5 years ago, Dr. Chinn
Special Thanks to all of the Students, Parents, and Staff, who made Primary Family Math Night a success!!!
over 5 years ago, Dr. Chinn
Ms. Popiwchak  working with math scholars
Ms. Morgan and Ms. Bates working with math scholars
Math with Mom
Mohawk Math Scholars
Reminder: There is no XSTEAM after-school program today. Also there will be no XSTEAM on half days.
over 5 years ago, Ms. Peggy
Monday Oct 7th is Parent Activity Day at Mohawk. Our goal is to line our hallway with parent volunteers, supporting children with math and reading practice. Please consider giving 20-30 minutes of your time to support reading readiness or math fluency. Hope to see you tomorrow!!
over 5 years ago, Dr. Chinn
Parent Volunteers
Today was the 1st day of XSTEAM!!!! We welcomed 95 students into the program today. It's going to be an Amazing session for students. There was lots of excitement (and cheers) as Ms. Stone shared the exciting activities planned for the After school program.
over 5 years ago, Dr. Chinn
This is Mohawk School with a reminder. Tomorrow Tuesday October 1st is a 12:30 early dismissal. All staff will be in meetings starting at 12:45 and all students that are being picked up need to be picked up in a timely manner. If you have any questions contact the office at 708-668-9300. Have a great evening.
over 5 years ago, Ms. Peggy
This is Mohawk School with a reminder. Tomorrow night at 5:00 pm is our September PTO meeting. We hope that you will join us. If you have any questions please contact the office at 708-668-9300. Have a great evening.
over 5 years ago, Ms. Peggy
Excitement & Grateful smiles were on the faces of our students today at Mohawk School!!! Each student at Mohawk received a bag of free books!!! Special thanks to Bernie's Book Bank, for this amazing partnership.
over 5 years ago, Dr. Chinn
The books arrived
The happy faces
Books for boys & girls
More Fun during Parent Activity Day
over 5 years ago, Dr. Chinn
High Five
More Fun during Parent Activity Day
2nd grade
Thank you to everyone who attended our 1st Parent Activity Day of the 2019-20 school year. Forty-four parents were in attendance today as we celebrated Hispanic Heritage Awareness Month!!!
over 5 years ago, Dr. Chinn
Celebrate Heritage
Parent Activity Day
Read Aloud Engish & Espanol
This is Mohawk School with a message. Next week is our back to school spirit week. Student came home today with a flyer. On the back of the flyer is an order form for Mohawk spirit wear. We appreciate your support. Turn around time for t- shirt orders is 2 weeks from the date the order was received in the office. No order will be processed without the exact cash payment. No checks allowed. If you have any questions please contact the school at 708-668-9300. Have a great weekend.
over 5 years ago, Ms. Peggy
This is Mohawk School with a reminder. Tomorrow is our Parent Activity. Kindergarten is at 1:00-1:40. 1st grade is at 12:00-12:40. 2nd Grade is at 10:40-11:20. 3rd grade is at 1:00-1:40. If you have any question please call the office at 708-668-9300. have a great evening.
over 5 years ago, Ms. Peggy
Many Thanks to the kindergarten parent volunteers, who are attending today's fieldtrip to the Apple Orchard!!!
over 5 years ago, Dr. Chinn
September 15th begins National Hispanic Heritage Month!!! One way of celebrating Hispanic Heritage at Mohawk will be, saying the pledge in English and in Spanish. Are you fluent in Spanish? Are you looking for a way to support our school? We need your help!!!
over 5 years ago, Dr. Chinn
Just a friendly reminder that today is a 12:30 early dismissal day and if you are picking your student up we ask that you so in a timely manner. Hope you have a wonderful Thursday.
over 5 years ago, Ms. Peggy
Haven't met your student's teacher yet or seen your their classroom? Well here is your chance. This Wednesday, September 11th from 6:00-7:30 will be our Open House. We invite all of our families to join us. Can't wait to see you there!
over 5 years ago, Ms. Peggy
Did your child miss the opportunity for an eye exam at Mohawk? We must have 25 students to return a completed application form. Once received Ageless Eye Care will return to Mohawk school. Don't Delay; Free eye exams, replacements & glasses for Mohawk students.
over 5 years ago, Dr. Chinn