Your Invited... Please join us for our upcoming 21st Century Primary Center Open House. It will be held onsite here at 21st Century School, September 22nd from 6:30pm to 7:30 pm. Please view the flyer below for further details.

Good Morning 21st Century Families! September 19th-September 23rd is our 1st Spirit Week for this school year! Each day has a special theme. Please see the flyer for details. We are looking forward to all the participation from our students & staff to make spirit week a success!

Our students continued to work hard throughout the summer and completed their summer learning packets. We are having a special dance party to celebrate their summer learning and their efforts. Please see the flyer below for further details.

Join District 163 and donate bottled water to support the Mississippi Water Crisis. Monday, September 5th - 22013 Governors Highway - 8:00 am to 5:00 p.m.

Hello 21st Century School Families, please click the link below to view our September Newsletter. Feel free to utilize the parent engagement suggestions with our scholars. We will see you soon at 21st Century School, "Where We Come to Learn". https://www.smore.com/fxqkn

I love witnessing our students cognitive, emotional and social growth as they enjoy reading independently and in partners. Our goal is for our students to develop a lifelong love of reading.

Our 21st Century School Kindergarten students are fully engaged in music as they are learning about echo, keeping a steady beat and practicing chants with Ms. Husa.

Hello 21st Century Families , our teachers have prepared and are ready to receive their students. We will see you tomorrow.

The 2022-2023 school year begins tomorrow Monday, August 22nd, with a late start at 9:25. Please view the attached flyer which highlights our updated health guidance. We look forward to seeing you soon here at 21st Century School "Where We Come to Learn".

The 2022-2023 school year is quickly approaching, School begins on Monday August 22nd, with a late start at 9:25. If you haven't done so please feel free to stop by 21st Century School, tomorrow, Monday, August 15th between the hours of 12 pm and 2 pm or Tuesday August 16th between the hours of 10 am and 12 pm to register your child. We look forward to seeing you soon here at 21st Century School "Where We Come to Learn".

All Hands on Deck.......
Thank you to everyone that pitched in this week and assisted in preparing our building to welcome back students and staff. Special thanks to Louis Danner, Maria Aguilar, Ale Ramirez , Pawel Herdzik, Peggy Philbin, Jasmine White, Gabriel Jones and Damien Koonce

Hello 21st Century Families, this is a reminder the 2022 - 2023 school begins August 22, 2022, with a late start time of 9:25. Please view the flyer below for our upcoming registration date and location.

Hello 21st Century Families, please join us for our Back To School Fair. The fair will be held Saturday, August 13, 2022 10:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. At Michelle Obama School of Technology & the Arts 530 Lakewood Blvd, Park Forest.

Good morning 21st Century families, please find the attached flyer with updated information for District 163's Basketball Mentoring Camp for grades 3rd through 8th. The location has changed from Michelle Obama School of Technology and the Arts to Barack Obama School of Leadership and STEM, June 13th - July 29th from 3pm to 6pm.

Good afternoon 21st Century Families,
This is a reminder that Monday May 30th, there is NO-SCHOOL in observance of Memorial Day. Classes will resume Tuesday May 31st. Have a great evening! If you have any questions contact the school at (708)668-9470.

Good Morning 21st Century School Families, field day has been postponed to Tuesday May 31st due to weather. If you have any questions please call us at (708) 668-9470.

Take at look at more pics from this cool project that was done in Mrs. Kohut & Mrs. Kirkham's OT/Speech Group with Mrs. Alexander's class. We love the creativity here at 21st Century School!

Is it summer yet? Look at this adorable project from Mrs. Kohut & Mrs. Kirkham's OT/ Speech Group with Mrs. Alexander's class. They used paper towels, markers, water, and the student's creativity to make this cool project. This project went with the story "Never Let a Unicorn Scribble" by Diane Alber. How cool is that? Way to go scholars!

Good morning 21st Century Families,
This is a reminder that today, Thursday, May 19th is an early dismissal day. Students will be served lunch & dismissed at 12:30pm. Please make sure there is someone to pick up your student from school or retrieve your student from the bus. Have a great day!

Good Afternoon Parents please view the attached flyer for our upcoming Title One meeting. It will be held on Wednesday, May 25 at 1:30 pm, on Zoom. Please click the link below to join us.
Topic: 21st Century (2022) Title One Meeting
Time: May 25, 2022 01:30 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 629 559 9576
Passcode: Title1
If you have any questions call us 1(708) 668-9470.