Good Afternoon Parents please view the attached flyer for our upcoming Title One meeting. It will be held on Wednesday, May 25 at 1:30 pm, on Zoom. Please click the link below to join us. Topic: 21st Century (2022) Title One Meeting Time: May 25, 2022 01:30 PM Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 629 559 9576 Passcode: Title1 If you have any questions call us 1(708) 668-9470.
almost 3 years ago, Jasmin White
Hello 21st Century School Families I would like to thank each of our 3rd Grade Spelling Bee participants. I would like to congratulate our 1st place winner Richard Nelson 2nd place winner Amiyah Robinson and our 3rd place winner Damiyah Donald.
almost 3 years ago, Angela Starks
Here is some more pizza party fun in Mrs. Alexander/ Parchman's Class! They were the winners of our "Road to Excellence" Class Behavior Incentive Program during lunch/ recess! Great job following the lunch & recess rules during the month of April!
almost 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
Alexander Class- Pizza Party
Alexander Class- Pizza Party
Congratulations to Mrs. Alexander's Class! They were rewarded with a pizza party today for having the best behavior in the lunchroom/ recess for the month of April! Way to go guys!
almost 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
Alexander/ Parchman Class- Pizza Party
Alexander/ Parchman Class- Pizza Party
Alexander/ Parchman Class- Pizza Party
Good Morning you are invited to attend our 3rd Grade Spelling Bee. It will be held virtually on tomorrow, Friday May 13th at 9:00 am. To access the Spelling Bee click the link below. Please help us cheer on our students as they demonstrate their spelling abilities. 21st: 5-13-2022, 9:00 am
almost 3 years ago, Angela Starks
Good Morning here is the link to our May June Newsletter. Remember it is always available on our district webpage under documents the 1st day of each month., If you have questions or concerns please give us a call at 708-668-9470.
almost 3 years ago, Angela Starks
Did somebody say SCIENCE FAIR? here are a few pictures from our 3rd Grade Science Fair that was held here at 21st Century School.
almost 3 years ago, Angela Starks
Hello 21st Century School Families, RETURNING STUDENT REGISTRATION for the 2022 -2023 school year continues online through May 31st. Please register your child online at Also New Student Registration will be held on June 7th at Michelle Obama School 10:00 am to 3:00pm. Please view the attached flyers for further information.
almost 3 years ago, Angela Starks
Good Afternoon 21st Century School Families, This is a reminder that there is an Early Dismissal on Thursday May 19th at 12:30pm, there will be no XSteam. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. If you have any questions please call us at (708) 668-9470.
almost 3 years ago, Jasmin White
May early release
Good Afternoon 21st Century Families, Save the Date for our last Virtual Student of the Month Assembly this school year...
almost 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
May Student of the Month- Compassion
Good morning 21st Century Families, We are blown away by all the love & appreciation shown from our students during Teacher Appreciation Week so far! Look at our 2nd grade scholars from Ms. Vincent’s class. One of our wonderful parents, Mrs. Vanderbilt, made these beautiful shirts that say, “We love Mrs. Vincent.” She was so surprised! I’m convinced we have the best teachers, staff, parents, & students in the entire world!
almost 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
Ms. Vincent Teacher Appreciation Surprise
Ms. Vincent Teacher Appreciation Surprise
Ms. Vincent Teacher Appreciation Surprise
Good Afternoon 21st Century Families, Next week is Teacher Appreciation Week! Each day we want our students to do something special for our teachers/staff to show them how much they are appreciated. Take a look at the flyer to see what's planned for each day for Teacher Appreciation Week Student Edition & encourage your scholar to participate. Have a great weekend!
almost 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
Teacher Appreciation Week- Student Edition
Good morning parents below is our attached CAPE flyer. This is a very exciting event to share the work of our students. It would be lovely if you could stop by the gallery and look at their work. If you have any questions please call us at (708) 668-9490.
almost 3 years ago, Jasmin White
Cape Flyer
Hello 21st Century School Families this is a reminder about the Drive Through Give Away event this Saturday in the Village of Park Forest parking lot. Be sure to enter via Main Street. The event is from 1:00p.m. until 3:00 p.m. Please see the flyer below for further details.
almost 3 years ago, Angela Starks
Please join us for a virtual Parent University workshop on Thursday, April 28, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. The Eventbrite and Zoom meeting information is listed below: Eventbrite RSVP
almost 3 years ago, Angela Starks
Hello 21st Century School Families this is a reminder that 3rd Grade Step Up Day is Tuesday April 26th. Please be sure to sign the permission slip that was sent home and return it by Monday, April 25th. If you have questions or concerns please give us a call on Monday 4/25/22 at 1-708-668-9490
almost 3 years ago, Angela Starks
We're Hiring... Would you like to be part of our School District 163 Family. Please view the current openings listed on the flyer below.
almost 3 years ago, Angela Starks
Congratulations to Mrs. Marsh’s 1st grade class! They earned the most paws on our “Road to Excellence” Class Behavior Incentive Program for great behavior during lunch & recess for the month of March. They will have a hot chocolate party today! Way to go 1st grade!
almost 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
Hot Chocolate Party
Hot Chocolate Party
Hot Chocolate Party
A huge congrats to Isaiah Vargas. He was our student of the month honoree that was nominated to receive a tablet from the PFPD. A huge thank you to the PFPD for always contributing to the lives of our students!
almost 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
March Student of the Month- Acceptance
Congrats to all of our March Student of the Month Honorees!! The character trait for the month of March was acceptance & these students have been accepting to all of their peers for the entire month of March. Way to go scholars!
almost 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
March Student of the Month- Acceptance
March Student of the Month- Acceptance
March Student of the Month- Acceptance
March Student of the Month- Acceptance