Hello 21st Century School Families...
As a reminder, District 163's weekly COVID-19 testing program will soon be available to all students. Please click the following links to complete the required parent permission form and survey. In order for your child to be tested your consent must be provided.
Click on the link below for further information and to complete Testing Consent & Acknowledgment Form for Students
Click on the link below to take survey: COVID-19 Consent & Acknowledgment https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc82TZI0Mk_plGM47vmDI3EWVIcMNFjrSEqrH_de6oG4gCmHg/viewform

Good morning 21st Century Families,
As we all know students are currently remote learning. Our teachers have prepared materials so that learning can continue. Pick up will be available daily between the hours of 9:00 am to 3:30pm. If you have any questions please feel free to give me a call here at the office at (708)668-9490. Thank you and Have A Great Day!!

Yesterday was Winter Wonderland Day!! Everyone looked so nice in their shades of blue & white! It has truly been a December to Remember! Today is a remote learning day but it’s also “Comfy Cozy Day” so students can wear their pajamas to Schoology. Happy Holidays everyone! ❄️

Extended Holiday Spirit Week Day 2- Winter Wonderland Day!

Congratulations to all of our December Student of the Month Honorees! The character trait for the month of December was responsibility. Awesome job to our students who demonstrated responsibility all month long & a special congrats to Isabella Phillips, our student of the month nominee who was awarded a tablet from the Park Forest Police Department. You ROCK!! 🥇

December Students of the Month- Character Trait: Responsibility

TOY GIVEAWAY UPDATE... please see the attached updated flyer...

Good evening District 163 Families,
A remote learning day is scheduled for Wednesday, December 22, 2021. Out of an abundance of caution, all students will attend classes via the Schoology platform remotely due to the uptick in COVID-19 cases within our school community. Students will log in to their Schoology accounts promptly at 8:15 AM and follow their regular schedule in order to be marked present for the day. Students log in at pfchsd163.schoology.com.
You may drive through your school parking lot for breakfast and lunch pickup between 7:30-8:30 AM on Wednesday morning.
All toy giveaways that were scheduled for Wednesday, December 22nd, will be tomorrow, December 21st. Also, in preparation for the remote learning day, please remind your child to bring their technology devices home.
If you have any questions, please reach out to your principal or classroom teacher via Class Dojo, Schoology or email.
Thank you for your partnership.

Congratulations to Ms. Conte’s 2nd grade class for winning the “Road to Excellence” Class Behavior Incentive for the month of December! They earned a total of 12 paws for their great behavior & for following the school rules in the lunchroom & at recess. They will have a pizza party right before we leave for Winter Break! Way to go Ms. Conte’s Class!!! You ROCK!!

Can you guess what today was? You got it! It was Grinch Day here at 21st Century School! Things were looking real green around here! Tomorrow is Winter Wonderland Day! Students can wear blue & white to resemble a Winter Wonderland.

Extended Holiday Spirit Week Day 1- Grinch Day!

There will be an early dismissal day on Jan. 6th & 7th. Students will be served lunch & dismissed at 12:30pm.

Hello! There will be no school Dec.23rd-Jan. 5th due to Winter Break! We will return on Jan. 6th. Here at 21st Century School, we wish you & your families a Happy Holiday!

Hello 21st Century Families! We just wanted to send a HUGE THANK YOU to all of you who supported your children for their 2021 Holiday Show! Everyone who participated worked so hard & did a PHENOMENAL job! We’re so very proud of them! It was indeed a “Soulful Holiday!” THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU for being amazing parents, staff, & teachers to our amazing students! Enjoy the pictures!

21st Century’s Winter Program- “A Soulful Holiday!”

21st Century’s Winter Program- “A Soulful Holiday!”

21st Century’s Winter Program- “A Soulful Holiday!”

21st Century’s Winter Program- “A Soulful Holiday!”

Well Its about that time, our 21st Century Holiday Show is beginning NOW!! Please join us for a ''Soulful Holiday.'' Be prepared to laugh, smile, sing and dance. Are you ready? Let's go, click the link below and enter our holiday show.

Today was “Tacky Holiday Gear Day!” Students & staff wore their ugliest Christmas sweaters or a ridiculous holiday outfit today! Tomorrow is our Holiday Show!! Students will wear their favorite holiday colors, their Sunday Best, or all black if they don’t have either. We’re looking forward to all of your support as your children put on a phenomenal Holiday show tomorrow!