Hello 21st Century Families, Today in CAPE our Kindergarten friends were making clay and creating different colors using food coloring. They also made organic and non organic shapes with the clay! How creative! Way to go Kindergarten!
about 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
CAPE Class- Kindergarten
CAPE Class- Kindergarten
CAPE Class- Kindergarten
CAPE Class- Kindergarten
Happy Sunday Families! Here is the digital permission slip for the Virtual Black History Program premiering February 24th 7pm. Please fill out the permission slip below for the show. Also if you have multiple children participating, please fill out a form for each child separately. Please click the link below... https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf3paGv4kiNVq6U9vjWiQdt2bARUXDN0CLBB_GloHYkBm3Fnw/viewform?usp=pp_url Have an amazing week!
about 3 years ago, Angela Starks
Who said you can't go sledding indoors? Ms. Conte's 2nd grade class is burning some energy sledding indoors in P.E. with Ms. Allen. We're so happy to have our scholars back in the building for in-person learning today. Happy Friday everyone!
about 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
Sledding in PE
Sledding in PE
Sledding in PE
Sledding in PE
Here's a glimpse into Mrs. Alexander's E-learning Snow Day: Yesterday, during Speech/OT Group with Ms. Kohut & Mrs. Kirkham, students listened to a story called the "Magic Hat" & decorated a magic hat. After they were done, students got a chance to burn some energy with a movement break called "Animals in Action" with Jack Hartmann. Awesome job Mrs. Alexander's class!
about 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
Mrs. Alexander's E-Learning Snow Day
February is Black History Month! Yesterday, our 3rd grade scholars from Mrs. Adams' class read an excerpt from "Harriet Tubman & the Underground Railroad" by Terry Miller Shannon. Then they answered questions on the passage. Way to go 3rd Grade scholars!
about 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
Mrs. Adams 3rd Grade E-Learning Snow Day
Mrs. Adams 3rd Grade E-Learning Snow Day
Yesterday in CAPE class with Mr. Jordan, our kindergarten friends from Ms. Cristelli's class participated in a scavenger hunt. The students were searching for items of different shapes, colors, & sizes to create a sculpture. Then they put a piece of fabric on top of it to make a snow blanket. We love the creativity here at 21st Century.
about 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
Ms. Cristelli (K) E-Learning Snow Day-CAPE Class
Ms. Cristelli (K) E-Learning Snow Day-CAPE Class
Ms. Cristelli (K) E-Learning Snow Day-CAPE Class
Good afternoon District 163 Families, Our vaccine event scheduled for Thursday, February 3 has been moved to Friday, February 4th from 2-7pm at Michelle Obama School. All scheduled appointments will be moved to the new date. There is still room to register. https://events.juvare.com/IL-IDPH/ltuzz/?year=2022&week=5
about 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
Updated Date-Vaccination Clinic-Feb. 4th
Here's a sneak peek into Mrs. Petrulis E-learning Snow Day with her 3rd Grade Class: Yesterday was Ground Hog Day so 3rd grade worked on a Ground Hog Day vocabulary activity where they had to match the word on the left with its definition on the right. They did a great job! You ROCK 3rd grade!
about 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
Mrs. Petrulis 3rd Grade E-Learning Snow Day 1
Let's take a look into Ms. Ansburg's 1st class. Students were reading a story on Raz Kids titled, "How to Make a Snow Person." Students listened to the story, read the story, & then took the quiz. After they were done, students made a snow person either inside with indoor materials or made a snow person outdoors. Then students came back & talked about their snow person with the class. Awesome job 1st grade!
about 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
E-learning Snow Day 1 with Ms. Ansburg's 1st Grade Class
E-learning Snow Day 1 with Ms. Ansburg's 1st Grade Class
E-learning Snow Day 1 with Ms. Ansburg's 1st Grade Class
E-learning Snow Day 1 with Ms. Ansburg's 1st Grade Class
Just because it's a snow storm, doesn't mean learning has to stop. Here's a glimpse into E-learning Snow Day 1 with Ms. Mulderink's Kindergarten Class. Yesterday, our kindergarten friends practiced counting down to the 100th day of school with 10 frames. Yesterday was Day 98! Then our little meteorologists determined what the weather was for the day. Lastly, our students learned about courage & overcoming fear by listening to a read aloud with Howard B. Wigglebottom. Way to go kindergarten friends!
about 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
Ms. Mulderink (K)-Counting Down to the 100th Day of School
Weather with Ms. Mulderink (K) Class
Ms. Mulderink (K)- Courage Read Aloud
Good Morning 21st Century School Families. Please click the link below to access our February Newsletter. Enjoy.... https://5il.co/14xu9
about 3 years ago, Angela Starks
Good Afternoon District 163 Families! We will be hosting two more vaccination events on February 3rd and 24th from 2-7:00 pm at Michelle Obama School Door 13. This event is open to all. They will be offering first, second and booster shots. Please see the flyer for more details.
about 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
Vaccination Clinic- Feb. 3rd & 24th
Good Morning 21st Century Families, Let's take a look into C.A.P.E. class with Mr. Jordan & our kindergarten friends. Today our STEAMologist took a virtual field trip on Google Earth to 21st Century School. Our students also got a chance to draw a picture of the Earth's core. Way to go scholars!
about 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
CAPE Class
CAPE Class
CAPE Class
CAPE Class
Hello 21st Century Families, Join us for our January Virtual Student of the Month Assembly via Zoom this Friday at 8:30am. The character trait for this month is empathy. We are looking forward to celebrating all of our nominees. Click on the link or enter the Zoom Meeting ID & password to access the assembly. Topic: January Student of the Month- Character Trait-Empathy Time: Jan 28, 2022 08:30 AM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/79071868520?pwd=U0s_yXnaDUAeooEiYKCWsef2FdsxQw.1 Meeting ID: 790 7186 8520 Passcode: 21Students
about 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
January Student of the Month
Parents you are invited to attend our upcoming January Parent Teacher Organization Virtual Meeting, this Monday, January 24th. We would love to hear your ideas. Topic: 21st Century School Date/Time: Jan 24, 2022 01:30 PM Join Zoom Meeting at the link below https://us06web.zoom.us/j/6295599576?pwd=WnlqNTJjcFJrbFhWb090emJVcmFYZz09 Meeting ID: 629 559 9576 Passcode: meet Hope to see you soon...
about 3 years ago, Angela Starks
Here is our first entry for our 5Essentials Selfie Raffle... Please join in, all you need to do is complete the 5Essentials survey and send me your selfie. Your voice is important to us here at 21st Century School. Here is the 5Essentails Survey Link https://survey.5-essentials.org/Illinois/ Please don’t delay! For more information on the survey please call 708-668-9490.
about 3 years ago, Angela Starks
Please view flyer with information about our 2021-22 school Black History Program!
about 3 years ago, La' Joya Albright
black history program
Good Afternoon 21st Century Families, Please join us online to discuss strategies to continue supporting children and teens during the COVID-19 pandemic. Eventbrite RSVP Link https://www.eventbrite.com/e/240436801947 "Staying Safe" Virtual Parent Workshop "Staying Safe" Virtual Parent Workshop www.eventbrite.com Zoom Link Stephanie Lloyd is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Staying Safe Virtual Parent Workshop Time: Jan 27, 2022 05:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4033603889?pwd=MVVQNm5UdE8wUy80TVF3MGpvbjlGZz09 Meeting ID: 403 360 3889 Passcode: aXHE4s
about 3 years ago, La' Joya Albright
Hello 21st Century Primary Center Parents and Guardians, Please fill out the 5Essentials Survey and enter our 5Essentials Survey Raffle. The 5Essentials Survey identifies five indicators that lead to improved outcomes for all students including improved attendance and test scores. The survey will be open January 11, 2022 through March 11, 2022 for all parents to complete. Remember your voice is important to us here at 21st Century School. Please view the attached flyer for further details and raffle information. Thank you for your support. Here is the 5Essentails Survey Link http://survey.5-essentials.orĀ/illinois/survey/parent/ Please don’t delay! For more information on the survey please call 708-668-9490.
about 3 years ago, Angela Starks
Goodmorning 21st Century Families, This is Ms.Albright your building secretary.This is a reminder that all in-person learning will resume Monday January 24. Student should continue to work remotely Monday through Friday. Classes begins at 8:15 am and students are dismissed at 3:00pm. Also our teachers have prepared materials for ALL students.If you have not done so please come to the school to pick up your child’s materials.Pick up is available Daily from 9:00 to 3:30 pm.
about 3 years ago, La' Joya Albright