Reminder..... THE 5ESSENTIALS SURVEY IS AVAILABLE... The 5Essentials Survey identifies five indicators that lead to improved outcomes for all students, including improved attendance and larger test score gains. The five indicators that positively affect school success are: Effective Leaders Collaborative Teachers Involved Families Supportive Environments Ambitious Instruction The 5Essentials Survey usually requires no more than 30 minutes to complete. The information collected through the survey is rigorously reviewed and analyzed to generate a 5Essentials Report for each school. The 5Essentials Report provides a comprehensive picture of the school environment based on five essential areas critical for school improvement in a meaningful context of similar and successful schools. Parent Link http://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/survey/parent/

Teaching and Learning in a Virtual World...

Hello 21st Century Families please join us for our Park-Forest Chicago Heights District 163 Board of Education Meeting. Monday February 22, at 7:00 pm. Please see the attached flyer, for further details..

Hello SD 163 Families. Tuesday, February 23rd, is a 12:30 Early Dismissal Day. All students will log on at 8:15 a.m. Students will be dismissed at 12:30 p.m.

Hello, this is a reminder from School District 163. There is NO SCHOOL February 26th- March 1 for our Mid- Winter Break. School will resume Tuesday March 2nd. Enjoy!

THE 5ESSENTIALS SURVEY IS AVAILABLE... The 5Essentials Survey identifies five indicators that lead to improved outcomes for all students, including improved attendance and larger test score gains. The five indicators that positively affect school success are: Effective Leaders Collaborative Teachers Involved Families Supportive Environments Ambitious Instruction The 5Essentials Survey usually requires no more than 30 minutes to complete. The information collected through the survey is rigorously reviewed and analyzed to generate a 5Essentials Report for each school. The 5Essentials Report provides a comprehensive picture of the school environment based on five essential areas critical for school improvement in a meaningful context of similar and successful schools. Parent Link http://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/survey/parent/

Hello SD 163 Families. Friday, February 12th, is a 12:30 Early Dismissal Day. All students will log on at 8:15 a.m. Students will be dismissed at 12:30 p.m. There will be no afternoon pre-kindergarten classes.

Hello 21st Century School Families, our February Character Trait of the month is Self Advocacy. Please join us for our Student of the Month Celebration Friday February 19th at 8:30 am on Schoology.

Hello 21st Century School Families, this is a reminder that there is No School on Monday, February 15, 2021 in recognition of President's Day.

Hello 21st School Families below is a link to the 5Essentials Survey which identifies five indicators that lead to improved outcomes for all students, including improved attendance and larger test score gains.
The five indicators that positively affect school success are:
Effective Leaders
Collaborative Teachers
Involved Families
Supportive Environments
Ambitious Instruction
The 5Essentials Survey usually requires no more than 30 minutes to complete. The information collected through the survey is rigorously reviewed and analyzed to generate a 5Essentials Report for each school. The 5Essentials Report provides a comprehensive picture of the school environment based on five essential areas critical for school improvement in a meaningful context of similar and successful schools.
The survey is another improvement tool that allows districts and the state to share data as a means to inform parents and community members about the school’s learning environment. The Illinois 5Essentials Survey is administered online by UChicago Impact at the University of Chicago on behalf of the Illinois State Board of Education.
Parent Link: Your feedback is important to us here at 21st Century School...
Parent Link

Parents Our 21st Century newsletter is now available, as always if you have any questions or concerns please contact us at 708-668-9490. enjoy...

Hello SD 163 Families. Friday, February 5th, is a 12:30 Early Dismissal Day. All students will log on at 8:15 a.m. Students will be dismissed at 12:30 p.m. There will be no afternoon pre-kindergarten classes.

Hello 21st Century School Families. Today, your child’s 2nd quarter report card will be available online through Skyward. Attached is a video and directions on how to access the report card if you are not familiar. Thank you and have a great day!
Please click the links below
Directions for Parents to Access Grades through Skyward (PDF)
How to access via Skyward (Video)

Hello 21st Century Families, Please join the Board of Education immediately following our 21st Century School Showcase our monthly Board Meeting. To join Zoom Meeting by Video click the link below
Meeting ID: 918 7759 9708
Password: 555899
See you Soon.

Hello 21st Century School Families, I would like to invite you to our Board of Education Monthly Student Showcase featuring 21st Century Primary Center. This meeting will be held on Monday, January 25, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. Zoom Meeting ID 918 7759 9708, Password 555899. We hope to see you there....

Hello 21st Century School Families, I would like to invite you to our Board of Education Monthly Student Showcase featuring 21st Century Primary Center. This meeting will be held on Monday, January 25, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. Zoom Meeting ID 918 7759 9708, Password 555899. We hope to see you there....

Hello 21st Century School Families, our January Character Trait of the month is Empathy. Please join us for our Student of the Month Celebration which will begin at 8:30 am on Schoology.

Hello 21st Century School Families. Friday, January 15th is a 12:30 Early Dismissal Day. All students will log in at 8:15 a.m. Students will be dismissed at 12:30 p.m.

Hello 21st Century School Families, this is a reminder that Monday January 11th from 9:00 am to 10:00 am 21st Century School will host Special Person Day. Please visit your childs' class during the 9:00 - 10:00 hour. Our students will show pictures, share writings or tell stories about a very special person in their life.

Excelling into the New Year....