Hello 21st Century School Families, HAPPY NEW YEAR.... As requested a reduced screen time schedule has been created for all primary students (K-3). All students will participate in (on screen) instruction from 8:15 -1:30. Students are also expected to engage in (off screen) learning from 1:30 to 3:00 daily. If you have questions or concerns feel free to contact your childs' teacher or our School Secretary at 708-668-9490.
about 4 years ago, Angela Starks
Hello 21st Century Families here is the link for tonight's Michelle Obama School Virtual Holiday Show Enjoy.... https://youtu.be/T1R2-DL5BVU
about 4 years ago, Angela Starks
Hello 21st Century School Families, this is a reminder from School District 163. There is NO SCHOOL on December 21st- Jan 4th for our Winter Break. School will resume Tuesday, January 5th. Enjoy!
about 4 years ago, Angela Starks
Hello 21st Century Families here is the link for tonight's Virtual Holiday Show. Enjoy.... https://youtu.be/k5vMEfajsQQ
about 4 years ago, Angela Starks
Good Afternoon! Let's enjoy Winter Break with Books and Fun Family Activities! On Thursday, December 17, 2020 School District 163 will be delivering activity packets and books to your home. Please see the attached flyer for more information. Have a wonderful holiday season!
over 4 years ago, Steve Jackson
Winter Break
Are you interested in working in School District 163? Please attend our Virtual Information Meeting on Wednesday, December 9, 2020 4pm - 5pm. Please see attached flyer for more information.
over 4 years ago, Steve Jackson
Virtual Information Meeting
Hello 21st Century Family, Our "Winter Spirit Week" is coming up so let's get prepared for a festive and fun filled week! Please check the attached flyer for a list of our daily activities. Have a wonderful holiday season!
over 4 years ago, Steve Jackson
Winter Spirit Week
21st Century School Families, it's almost time for our first ever Virtual Primary School Holiday Show. Please join us December 16th at 7:00 pm for a night of virtual holiday cheer, you don't want to miss it..
over 4 years ago, Angela Starks
Hello 21st Century School Families on behalf of the Park Forest Police Department we are proud to acknowledge our October and November student of the month, raffle winners. Each student will be the proud recipient of a brand new tablet. Congratulations to Joy Johnson and Malachi Moore, thank you for demonstrating excellence here at 21st Century School.
over 4 years ago, Angela Starks
Hello 21st Century School Families, our December Character Trait of the Month is Responsibility. Please join us for our December Student of the Month celebration on Friday December 18th from 8:30 am to 9:00 am on Schoology.
over 4 years ago, Angela Starks
Hello District 163 families, Each week, meal deliveries will begin on Mondays but additional days may be needed depending on the schedule. A member of our team will be contacting you to confirm the delivery address. If you wish to decline meal deliveries to your home or if your student(s) has special dietary needs, please contact us at angela.smith@preferredmeals.com. In addition to meal deliveries, the district will continue to provide free meals at all schools if you prefer to pick them up. Breakfasts and lunches for three days are available between 7:15am – 8:15am on Mondays and breakfasts and lunches for four days are available between 3pm – 4:30pm on Wednesdays.
over 4 years ago, Angela Starks
Hello 21st Century School Families. This is a reminder that Schools and District Office will resume regular hours tomorrow, November 30th.
over 4 years ago, Angela Starks
Please see the attached Holiday Show Submission Flyer.
over 4 years ago, Angela Starks
Holiday Show
PARK FOREST-CHICAGO HEIGHTS SCHOOL DISTRICT 163 BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING ACCESS INFORMATION Virtual Zoom Room opens at 6:30 p.m. 7:00 Board Meeting https://zoom.us/j/91570036089?pwd=bDF5 eDQ0dktiMjYxb3g3SHl1eURDUT09 Meeting ID: 915 7003 6089 Password: 028070 Join Zoom Meeting by Audio Dial (312) 626-6799
over 4 years ago, Angela Starks
Hello 21st Century School Families, I would like to personally congratulate our November Student of the Month award recipients. I would also like to thank our teachers and all of our parents that were in attendance, you are greatly appreciated.
over 4 years ago, Angela Starks
Please find attached information regarding our new food service distribution plan! We are offering home deliveries to all of our families as well as the regular Monday morning and Wednesday afternoon curbside pickup days!! Please see poster for further instructions.
over 4 years ago, Steve Jackson
Meal Deliveries
Hello 21st Century School Families It's almost time for our 2nd Student of the Month Celebration. Please join us Friday November 20th at 8:30 on Schoology. We hope to see you there.
over 4 years ago, Angela Starks
Hello 21st Century School Families, This s a reminder... Family Reading Night is TOMORROW November 18, 2020 at 6 pm -7pm. Please join us virtually for Reading with a Taste of Tech. A raffle will be held at the end of the night, who knows you just might be our next winner. See you tomorrow... Topic: Reading Night Time: Nov 18, 2020 06:00 PM - 7:00 PM Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/6295599576?pwd=cTlWQjRxOHRPc2JQQTVWQWZiMTJhUT09 Meeting ID: 629 559 9576 Passcode: read
over 4 years ago, Angela Starks
Good Morning 21st Century Families, please view our November Newsletter. It contains upcoming events, picture of some of our scholars and information that will help to support you as you support our students. https://5il.co/n1ci
over 4 years ago, Angela Starks
Well it's About that Time PRIMARY MATH NIGHT Please join Mohawk, Blackhawk and 21st Century for a virtual math event that you don't want to miss. please click the link below to enter. Family Math Night Time: Nov 12, 2020 06:00 PM Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/92638773118?pwd=dGtuUmRQS3hhRGdBQ3U3TzRFb2Q5QT09 Meeting ID: 926 3877 3118 Passcode: Family
over 4 years ago, Angela Starks