Good morning 21st Century,
I have placed a copy of the K-3 Exit Criteria and the grade level outcomes for the 21st Century Scholars in the documents section of our website. Just go to the bottom of the web page, go to "menu" and click on "documents". The folder name is "End of Year Outcomes/Criteria"

We are having a ball this fall at 21st Century School.

Good Morning 21st Century Parents,
We have new curbside meal plans for our families that will begin Monday, November 2, 2020. Please see attached flyer for more detailed information.

We are having a ball this fall here at 21st Century School...

Hello 21st Century Families please view the attached flyer which list upcoming student nonattendance days.

Hello 21st Century School Families, it's that time again for the 2nd Quarter Books and Materials Distribution here at 21st Century School. The distribution will occur October 26 - October 29. Please see the attached flyer for further details.

Ball in the Fall October 26th - October 29th
Please click below to reserve your spot for the Ball in the Fall Event..
21st Century Primary Center

Hello 21st Century Families here is the link to our October Parent Newsletter, enjoy https://5il.co/lz3f

Thursday October 22nd 6pm-7pm (IAR Meeting) for all 3rd Grade Parents and Guardians hosted on Zoom Meeting ID 728 6066 0188 Passcode THIRD. Click the link below for more information.

COMING SOON as mentioned on Class Dojo our Fall Family Engagement activity "Ball in the Fall" Stay tuned for sign up times and further information. remember space will be limited...

Hello 21st Century Family, Please join us for a fun family event. "Let's Have a Ball in the Fall!" starting Monday, October 26, 2020 thru Thursday, October 29, 2020 for fun, hands-on fall activities. Please see flyer for more information.

Hello 21st Century School Families I wanted to take the time to provide you with information that may prove useful to you and your family at this time. Please view the attached flyer for information about various Community Resources. We are all in this together...

Performing Arts Night is coming October 27, 2020! Permission slips will be forth coming.

Hi 21st Century Families here are more fun photos from Spirit week. See below

Hello 21st Century School Families. Friday, October 9th is a 12:30 Early Dismissal Day. All students will log in at 8:30 a.m. Students will be dismissed at 12:30 p.m. There will be no afternoon pre-kindergarten classes. Breakfast and lunch is available for curbside pickup at all schools from 7:15-8:15 AM.

Hello 21st Century Families thank you for celebrating School Spirit Week with us. Click below to view a few of our Spirit Week Pictures.

Virtual Board of Education
Meeting/Public Hearing
Virtual Zoom Room opens at 6:30 p.m.
Join Zoom Meeting by Video
Meeting ID: 951 2731 2166
Password: 771259
Join Zoom Meeting by Audio
Dial (312) 626-6799
Meeting ID: 951 2731 2166
Password: 771259

Here's a BIG THANK YOU to everyone that attended Open House on this past Tuesday. It was so nice to meet each of you. If you have any questions or concerns please contact your child's teacher or the school at 708-668-9490.

Attention Parents there is No School on Monday September 7th in observance of Labor Day. School will resume on Tuesday, September 8th.

Attention Parents.....
Tomorrow 8/28/20 is a Planning Day for Teachers so the building will be closed, but fret not, that does not mean that the learning has to end. NO I am counting on you to continue learning on tomorrow in one of 3 ways. 1. continue to work on your assignments that were mailed to you a few days ago. 2. Go to our district website and click Learning Packet and work on those assignments 3. Read for at 60 mins, practice your math facts and or take sometime to write about your day. See the learning doesn't have to stop just because the building is closed. Also parents please remember that breakfast is available for pick up Monday - Friday from 7:15 - 8:15.