Good afternoon 21st Century Families. Today we had our Ice Cream Sundae Party for all those students who attended Family Reading Night. Have an awesome day!

You're invited to Family Reading Night tonight! If you & your child attends, your child will receive an Ice Cream Sundae Party on Monday, Nov. 21st!

Good afternoon 21st Century families. Our focused character trait of the month is cooperation. Mrs. Gee’s 2nd grade class is demonstrating hula hoop cooperation activities.

Words have power but when we know the meaning of words there is no limits to what we can comprehend! Take a look at our 3rd Grade friends from Ms. Kiefor's class researching the meaning of words in their new dictionaries. Awesome job scholars!

Good Morning 21st Century Families,
Please save the date: November 23rd-25th is no school due to Thanksgiving Break! School resumes on Monday, November 28th. See flyer for details. Have a great day!

Hello 21st Century Primary School families please join us for our student showcase, Monday, November 14, 2022 at 6pm here at 21st Century School.

Hello 21st Century School families, This is a reminder, please mark your calendar for 21st Century School Family Reading Night. It will be held Thursday, November 17, 2022 from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Please come out and enjoy fun and engaging reading activities with your child. There will also be a chance for you to win one of the raffle prizes. We hope to see you there.

Are you looking to join our team? We will have in-person interviews and onsite employee offers on Nov. 9th at Michelle Obama School from 4-6:30pm.

Good Evening Parents,
Thursday, Nov. 17th is an early dismissal day. Students will be served lunch and dismissed at 12:30pm. There is also No X-Steam on this day. Please ensure that there is someone to pick up your child from school or retrieve them after getting off of the bus.

Good Afternoon 21st Century Families,
This is a reminder that Monday, Nov. 7th and Tuesday, Nov. 8th is no school due to the observance of Veteran's Day and Election Day. Classes will resume on Wednesday, November 9th. Have a great extended weekend!

Congratulations to all of our student of the month honorees! We are so proud of all of you! A special congratulations to Lauryn Love from Ms. Ansburg’s 1st grade class for being the recipient of a brand new scooter from the Park Forest Police Department! Thank you PFPD for all you do for our children and community and a special thanks to our MVPs, our parents, for all the love and support that you give to your children everyday! Their faces lit up from seeing you here to support them! You ROCK! ❤️🏅

Happy Halloween! 21st Century students celebrated character day by dressing up and enjoying a hall parade. Stay safe tonight.

Good Evening 21st Century Families,
This week Wednesday, Nov. 2nd-6th kicks off our Double Good Popcorn Fundraiser to raise funds to purchase items for our school store! Each student/staff member will set up their own pop up store! See details below about the fundraiser & how to create your own Pop-Up Store:
Team - I set up a Double Good virtual fundraiser! It’s 100% contactless, we keep 50% of the profit and the product ships directly to the buyer.
Each of us will create a Pop-Up Store and sell Double Good gourmet popcorn! Prices range from $18-$59. The popcorn is award-winning and really delicious!
Our fundraising window begins on Wednesday, November 02, 2022, at 3:00 PM and goes until Sunday, November 06, 2022, at 2:00 PM.
Our Event Code UJF XIS

Have you heard of 101 Dalmatians? Well, here is 101 Reasons to Love 21st Century! We had an amazing time at the SAFE Trunk or Treat Event today! Beautiful people, beautiful weather, yummy treats, and an all around great time for all!

We love the cooperation shown in Mrs. Mele’s 2nd grade class! Here our 2nd grade scholars are partner reading! Isn’t that awesome?

Red Ribbon Week Day 2 and 3 was a success! On Day 2 we wore camouflage and declared war on drugs and Day 3 we wore jeans and declared “I am a genius. I am drug free!” We are loving the unity here at 21st Century School!

Let’s take a look at our STEAMologists from Mrs. Mele’s 2nd grade class! They were truly blowing off some steam in STEAM this week! Way to go scholars!

Good Morning 21st Century Families,
Today kicks off Red Ribbon Week! Today is "Wear Red Monday!" We wear red today as we stand in solidarity to declare that we will remain drug free here at 21st Century School!

Hello 21st Century School Families, please join us this evening for an online presentation sponsored by the Urban Youth Trauma Center focused on sharing tips and tools to having a successful school year academically and behaviorally.
6:00 pm to 7:00 pm Zoom Meeting ID 884 5920 7926 Passcode PARENT.

Good Morning 21st Century School Families, on behalf of our PTO President Mrs. Jenkins and I, you are invited to join us for our first PTO Meeting of the 2022-2023 school year. The meeting will be held Tuesday, October 25th, 1:30 pm here at 21st Century School. Please view the flyer below for further details.