Please join us for our student of the month assembly on January 27th! We are looking forward to honoring our scholars who have demonstrated the character trait "empathy" for the month of January.

Please save the date for 21st Century’s Black History Program!

Hello there,
This a reminder that Thursday, January 19th is an early dismissal day. Students will be served lunch and dismissed at 12:30pm. There is NO afterschool X-Steam on this day. Please ensure that there is someone to pick up your child from school or to receive them after getting off of the bus.

Hello 21st Century Families,
Students who turn in their winter packet by Friday, Jan. 13th, will earn $5 In Levi Bucks to use in our school store!

Good Afternoon 21st Century Families,
This is a reminder that Monday, January 16th is NO SCHOOL due to MLK Day! School will resume on Tuesday, January 17th.

Happy Monday! 2023 is off to a great start! Last week in Music, Ms. Ansburg’s 1st grade class got a chance to use Boomwhackers to play along to the song, “How Far I’ll Go” from Moana. How exciting!

Please see the attached flyer regarding an upcoming Daddy Daughter Dance. It will be held February 11th from 4pm to 8pm, 1571 Sibley Blvd. Calumet City Il. 60409 and is being sponsored by Dorothy Mae Youth Center.

Hello 21st Century families, please click the link below to access our January Newsletter.

Please join us for our SD 163 Winter Wonderland tomorrow at Michelle Obama School from 9am to 12pm. See the attached flyer for further details.

Good Morning 21st Century Families,
Please save the date & join us for our student of the month assembly on Wednesday, December 21st at 8:30am! The character trait for the month of December is responsibility. We're looking forward to honoring our scholars before we close out the year!

Winter Spirit Week is off to a great start! Happy Candy Cane Day from all of our friends here at 21st Century! Tomorrow is Holiday Hat/Hair Day so wear a wacky Holiday hat or a wacky Holiday hairstyle!

Good morning! This is a reminder that Friday, Dec. 9th is an early dismissal day. Students will be served lunch & dismissed at 12:30pm. Please ensure that there is someone to pick up your child from school or to receive them after getting off the bus.

Good Morning 21st Families please view the flyer below for information regarding our upcoming holiday showcase. If you have any questions give us a call at 1-708-668-9490. We hope to see you there!

Congratulations to all of our student of the month honorees that were honored yesterday! A huge congrats to Malia Wade who was the recipient of a brand new scooter from the PFPD! Our students ROCK and we are so proud of them! Thank you to all of the parents that came to support!

Good morning 21st Century families. Yesterday was our Student of the Month assembly. Congratulations! One of our students won a scooter sponsored by the Park Forest Police Department.

Hello 21st Century School Families our Gift Giveaway will be held Tuesday, December 20, 2022 at 1:30 pm. Each of our students will receive a holiday gift. Please view the flyer below for further details.

Hello 21st Century School Families we are having a Toy Drive. Please see the flyer below for further details. If you have any questions give us a call at 708-668-9490.

Mrs. Mele's 2nd graders are working on math facts with dice in their centers today!

Hello 21st Century School Families, Winter Spirit Week is December 12th -16th. Please see the flyer below for information regarding the daily fun activities that we will participate in here at 21st Century School.

Good Morning, here is the zoom link for our PTO Meeting today. Please join us if you are available to attend. I hope to see you soon.
A Starks is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: A Starks' Zoom Meeting
Time: Nov 28, 2022 01:30 PM Central Time
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 849 4552 0617
Passcode: pto