Algonquin Families, Important reminders for the week ... 1. Dress to impress and meet us tonight at 21st-century school from 5:45 to 6:15 PM to perform a song at the Board of Education Meeting. 2. Tomorrow is an early release day at 10:45 AM. NO PM classes 3. Friday, May 24: Celebration of Learning for all Kindergarten-Bound students at Algonquin, scheduled for 9:00 AM. Dress to impress - Class of 2037!!
9 months ago, Felice Hybert
May 24 information 9:00 perfromance for KIndergarten bound students at Algonquin
May 20 showcase at 21st century school at 5:45-6:15 PM
Algonquin Families, Click the link for Important safety information for families from our Interim Superintendent Dr. Carmine Algonquin will also participate in a District-wide Lockdown Safety Drill on Thursday, May 23. Please reach out with any questions -
9 months ago, Felice Hybert
sign with safety first by blue sky
We are back at Algonquin after visiting the Kindergarten classroom today - we had fun and we are Kindergarten ready !! Be sure to register your child for school online !!
9 months ago, Felice Hybert
2 kids holding hands
principal in hallway talking
kids sitting on run in a classroom
kids and teachers wlaking to bus
kids standing in a line
student wiht butterfly wings
Good AM Algonquin Families, A reminder that tomorrow 5-15-24 is our Field Trip to Bella Boo's - we will leave school at about 8:30 AM and return by 2:15 PM. If your pre-k little comes to school 1/2 day... 1/2 AM students will need to be picked up at 2:15 PM NO BUS HOME 1/2 PM students must be dropped off at school by 8:30 AM. NO BUS TO SCHOOL If you have not given permission for your child to attend - please reach out to your child's teacher ASAP - we don't want anyone to miss out on the fun!!
9 months ago, Felice Hybert
bella  boos field trip
Buenos días familias de Algonquin, estudiantes que regresan en línea La inscripción está abierta para todos los estudiantes que regresan a la Escuela Algonquin para el año escolar 2024-2025. No puedo enfatizar la importancia de registrarse temprano. Consulte el folleto adjunto para obtener más información. Comience hoy mismo escaneando el código QR o simplemente visitando nuestro sitio web en ¡Que tengas un día bendecido!
10 months ago, Carenda Lacy
Returning Student Registration-Spanish
Kindergarten-bound families, Come meet the Primary Principals tonight at 5:00-5:15 PM here at Algonquin! We can also help you register for Kindergarten from 5:00-6:00 PM! Click the link to register from home——and help us meet our goal!!
10 months ago, Felice Hybert
red and white graphic with words meet and greet
Good Morning Algonquin Families, Returning Student Online Registration is open for all students returning to Algonquin School for the 2024-2025 school year. I can't stress the importance of registering early. Please see the attached flyer for more information. Get started today by scanning the QR Code or by simply visiting our website at Have a blessed day!
10 months ago, Carenda Lacy
Returning Student Registration
Hello Algonquin families, Please look at our LAST family playbook of the 23-24 school year! We have many events and celebrations happening in May - we can't wait to celebrate with you!
10 months ago, Felice Hybert
Our goal is 80 % of students registered for Kindergarten by May 15, 2024. Click the link to register from home- If you need help, come to Algonquin today anytime between 2:15PM- 4:00PM, and we can help you REGISTER :)
10 months ago, Felice Hybert
Algonquin Families, If your baby genius is going to Kindergarten in the Fall and you need help with registration, come to Algonquin today anytime from 2:15 PM to 4:00 PM, and we can help you!
10 months ago, Felice Hybert
cowboy hat and lasso for kindergarten round up registration on April 29 April 30 and May 1
Will your child be 5 on or before September 1, 2024 ?? Kindergarten Registration is OPEN - see the flyer for more information. If you are familiar with the process, you can register at home!
10 months ago, Felice Hybert
infomration on registration for school
Good Morning Algonquin Families, Please join us for in person kindergarten registration on April 30, May 1st and May 2nd here at Algonquin school. Please see our flyer for more information. Have a blessed day!
10 months ago, Carenda Lacy
Kindergarten Round Up
Algonquin Families. Picture Day is coming Tomorrow, Thursday, April 25! Lifetouch School Photography, known for capturing school pictures from K-12 nationwide, will take our school photos this year. For more information about Picture Day, check out the flyer provided or visit:
10 months ago, Felice Hybert
Girl woth books smiling dont miss this year's smile order pictures
Criar niños bilingües Uno de los mayores regalos que usted puede darle a su hijo es el regalo de dos (o más) idiomas. Ser bilingüe es bueno para el cerebro de su hijo, facilita la comunicación con los abuelos y familiares y es una ventaja para encontrar trabajo en el futuro
10 months ago, Felice Hybert
Way to go !! Thank you for all the canned goods donations - keep them coming !! Also, we only had 10 littles absent today !! Help us meet our goal of 95% attendance or better - bring your babies to school as much as possible if they are healthy :)
10 months ago, Felice Hybert
way to go
Algonquin Families, this is a reminder that tomorrow, Tuesday, April 16, is a 10:45 dismissal. There will be no PM classes. Also, our food drive starts tomorrow. Please bring in canned food items to help replenish local food pantry shelves. Thank you every little bit helps!
10 months ago, Felice Hybert
food drive items
Due to the late dismissal, the Blue Bus District 1 just left Algonquin at 3:40 PM- it is running behind schedule.
11 months ago, Felice Hybert
In an abundance of safety for our students during the solar eclipse, the District has decided to hold dismissal until 3:10 PM today. All students and buses will be dismissed today, April 8, at 3:10 PM. If your child goes to a daycare, please let the daycare know if you can.
11 months ago, Felice Hybert
Algonquin Families, read more to learn about April News and Events
11 months ago, Felice Hybert
April Playbook
Attached you will find important information regarding the Solar Eclipse event that will take place on Monday, April 8, 2024. Parent Letter:
11 months ago, SD163 Updates