There’s always something going on at Algonquin St. Take a look…Coming up - it’s Open House & Spirit Week!! Save the dates !
6 months ago, Felice Hybert
open house sep 18
spirit week
Algonquin families, Oops, I'm sorry!! I did not inform families that our buses were running late today. I will do my best to notify you when buses run late going forward. Please accept my apology.
6 months ago, Felice Hybert
Click the link for our September Family Newsletter- have a wonderful Labor Day Weekend, and we will see you back here on Tuesday - Doors open at 7:50 AM for Breakfast- class starts at 8:15 AM - ON TIME =ON TARGET FOR SUCCESS
6 months ago, Felice Hybert
There is NO SCHOOL on Monday, September 2, 2024. We will be observing Labor Day. School and District office hours will resume on Tuesday, September 3, 2024.
6 months ago, SD163 Updates
Labor Day
We are so excited and grateful to announce that Algonquin School will receive new windows this Fall! We can’t wait to showcase our transformation! Let the light shine in!
6 months ago, Felice Hybert
school with windows
classroom windows
classroom windows - before
Hello School District 163 Families, Onsite registrations will be held at 21st Century Primary Center on Monday, August 26, 2024 - Thursday, August 29, 2024, from 4:00 pm until 6:00 pm. Registration can also be completed online. Please visit our website and select the Register Online link. The process should only take roughly 10 - 15 minutes to complete. You can contact our registration hotline at 708-668-9429 if you have any questions.
6 months ago, SD163 Updates
Families, we realized yesterday's pickup process took a little long, so we created a new procedure. When you arrive at school to pick your little one up, please line up in a single file with your pick-up card. We will dismiss students at 2:45 PM. If you need to pick your child up before 2:45 PM, we ask that you do so before 2:30 PM to help keep the office clear. Thank you and we will see you soon!
6 months ago, Felice Hybert
sign with a car and stop sign for pick up reminders
Algonquin PreK families, Please click the link for a video about our first school day on August 21, 2024. See you tomorrow!!
6 months ago, Felice Hybert
On the first day of school - we know how hard it can be to leave your baby. Please join us for support and relationship building in our "DONUT" worry room. We can answer your questions, and you will know that your baby is safe, learning, and having fun, even though there may be a few tears.
6 months ago, Felice Hybert
vartiey of donuts and infomration on a do not worry room for prek on august 21 at 9:00 am and 11:45 Pm at Algonquin school
Algonquin families- click here for important information on the first school days!! See you on August 21 !!
6 months ago, Felice Hybert
chalkboard with welcome to school written on it
If you know any families looking for pre-school for their little ones, please share this information with them. Our next screenings are August 13, 14, and 15! Play and learn with us!
8 months ago, Felice Hybert
information on prek screening call 708-668-9202
Sign up now for 2024 summer learning tips, in English or Spanish. You'll receive three messages per week, featuring hands-on activities to keep kids reading, creating, exploring — and learning — all summer long! See examples of our summer tips below. Text (855) 773-1019 toll-free with the words "READING" for tips in English and "LECTURA" for tips in Spanish Messaging rates may apply. Regístrese ahora para recibir nuestros consejos de aprendizaje en el verano de 2024, en inglés o español. ¡Ya está aquí una nueva temporada de consejos para dispositivos móviles! Usted recibirá tres mensajes por semana, con actividades prácticas para que los niños sigan leyendo, creando, explorando y aprendiendo durante todo el verano. A continuación, vea algunos ejemplos de nuestros consejos de verano. Envíe un mensaje de texto al número gratuito (855) 773-1019 con las palabras "READING" para obtener sugerencias en inglés y "LECTURA" para obtener sugerencias en español. Se aplicarán tarifas de mensajería.
9 months ago, Felice Hybert
summer readn gtips on cell phone image
pop up community party here at Algonquin tonight from 4:00-6:00 PM - park forest police department will be serving 🌭hot dogs and will have giveaways !!
9 months ago, Felice Hybert
principal in front of yellow bill board with black letters for commuity pop up party east gate community 4- 6 pm june 5th
Free Summer Food Program for children up to 18 years of age at Barack Obama and 21st Century schools - Monday- Friday, June 17- August 9 Breakfast 9:15- 9:45 AM and Lunch 12:00-12:30 For more info, call Sandi Gordan at 708-668-9425
9 months ago, Felice Hybert
summer food rocks text in yellow with blue background
The Summer Food Service Program Menu is in!
9 months ago, SD163 Updates
Summer School Food Services
Summer School Food Services
Summer Break is here !! Today is the LAST day of school for our PM classes!! Monday, June 3rd, is an Early Dismissal at 10:45 and the LAST day of school for AM and Full-Day classes!! Have a wonderful summer break - be sure to play and read!! If you need anything, please reach out !!
9 months ago, Felice Hybert
beach background with hello summer be safe and ejoy in blue letters
We are so excited to host our Beach party for Family Appreciation Day tomorrow!! Please send your littles to school in beach-themed play clothes. We plan to be outside in the AM painting, playing, and getting messy!! We will have a family-friendly beach concert at 1:30, after lunch and nap, so we hope you can join us !!! Fingers crossed for a sunny DAY!!
9 months ago, Felice Hybert
family appreciation day
RETURNING STUDENT REGISTRATION for Kindergarten bound and those returning to ALGONQUIN !! It’s time to register for the 2024-2025 school year. The online student enrollment system is secure and paperless. We have made every effort to keep the returning student registration process simple, convenient, and safe! Parents who registered last year indicated that the process took approximately 10 minutes. We request you complete the 2024-25 registration process by June 15, 2024. Please note that proof of residency will be required for families who have “returned” mail or previously completed an affidavit. See the New Student Registration Dates - Provide Your Proofs of Residency Section or schedule an appointment by clicking on the following link
9 months ago, Felice Hybert
megaphone with attention in white letters !!
The weather looks like it will cooperate, so we will be outside READY TO BLAST OFF at 9:00 AM on Friday, May 24, 2024 for ALL classes. We will only have one program- so don't be late!! Come in at 8:15- 8:30 to grab a seat - parking and seating will be limited! Sweets and juice will be served after the program to celebrate. You ARE welcome to take your KINDERGARTENER home with you to celebrate, go to the park, go out to lunch, or go to a special place—they earned it!! I can't wait to see you tomorrow, Kindergarten-bound kids and families !!
9 months ago, Felice Hybert
blast off rocket
Algonquin Families, Click the link for a video message from Mrs. Hybert, Principal, about our Blast off to Kindergarten Celebration on May 24 at 9:00 AM!
9 months ago, Felice Hybert
blast off to kindergarten - 9:00 May 24 at Algonquin School - space themed flyer