Congrats to all of our March Student of the Month Honorees!! The character trait for the month of March was acceptance & these students were accepting to all of their peers for the entire month of March. Way to go scholars!
almost 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
March Student of the Month- Acceptance
March Student of the Month- Acceptance
March Student of the Month- Acceptance
March Student of the Month-Acceptance
Thank you for your generosity parents, staff and community partners, 21st Century Primary School collected 1853 non-perishable items for the United Way Food Drive. May all your contributions be multiplied and restored to you.
almost 3 years ago, Angela Starks
Good Afternoon Parents of 21st Century Primary Center, below is the flyer for next weeks spirit week. Please note there is NO SCHOOL on Friday April 15th, PJ Day will be celebrated at home. If you have any questions please contact us here at (708) 688-9490.
almost 3 years ago, Jasmin White
Spirit week
Good Afternoon Parents of 21st Century Primary Center, below is the flyer for Spring Break, which will begin on Friday April 15th and last until April 22nd. School will resume on Monday April 25th. Please note there is NO SCHOOL on Friday April 15th. If you have any questions please contact us here at (708) 688-9490.
almost 3 years ago, Jasmin White
Spring Break 21-22
Hello 21st Century School Families please see the information below regarding a Pop-up Shop (free computer) giveaway, Saturday, April 9th 12 to 2 pm.
almost 3 years ago, Angela Starks
Good Afternoon 21st Century School Families, This is a reminder that there is an Early Dismissal on Thursday April 7th at 12:30pm, there will be no XSteam. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. If you have any questions please call us at (708) 668-9490.
almost 3 years ago, Jasmin White
Early Dismissal April 7th
Good Afternoon Pre School Parents, save the date! Please see the flyer below regarding our upcoming 2022-2023 Kindergarten Early Registration Kickoff!!! Registration will take place on Wednesday, April 13th from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. If you have any questions please contact Ms. Jordan at (708)668-9203 or Ms. White at (708)668-9224 or contact us here at 21st Century Primary Center at (708)668-9490.
almost 3 years ago, Jasmin White
Kindergarten Kickoff
Hello 21st Century School Parents, below is the flyer for our March PTO meeting, the zoom link is provided as well. The meeting will begin at 1:30pm. If you have any questions please contact us here at 21st Century School (708) 668-9490. Time: Mar 28, 2022 1:30pm Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 629 559 9576 Passcode: 21st
almost 3 years ago, Jasmin White
PTO Flyer
Good Morning 21st Century School Parents, please see the attached flyer regarding our COVID-19 testing changes. Testing changes will begin on Monday March 28th. Testing will still take place on Tuesdays of every week. Your insurance will NOT be billed for testing. Updated testing forms can be found on the district website under the COVID-19 tab, forms were also sent home with your child to be completed and returned to school. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to us here at 21st Century School, (708) 668 -9490.
almost 3 years ago, Jasmin White
Covid updated testing flyer
Good Morning 21st Century School Parents, Please see the attached flyer about our upcoming food drive. The food drive will take place March 28th until April 8th. If you have any questions please contact Susan Stratton at (708) 668-9340 or email her directly at, Also, can also contact us here at 21st at 708-668-9490.
almost 3 years ago, Jasmin White
21st food drive
Here are more pics from our 3rd Grade scholars in STEAM with Mrs. Mele today!
almost 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
3rd Grade STEAM- Adams
3rd Grade STEAM- Adams
3rd Grade STEAM- Adams
We loved seeing all the cooperation from Mrs. Adams 3rd grade class in STEAM with Mrs. Mele today! Today students learned about how video games are created through coding. Each group was given a game board & had to work together to see how the game board should be coded in order to get to the finish line. Awesome job working together & using your creativity today. Way to go 3rd grade scholars!
almost 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
3rd Grade STEAM- Adams
3rd Grade STEAM- Adams
3rd Grade STEAM- Adams
3rd Grade STEAM- Adams
Good Morning here is a copy of our 3rd Grade IAR Testing Calendar. Please make sure that your child arrives to school on time with their device daily.
almost 3 years ago, Angela Starks
Good Morning, this is a reminder our 3rd Grade IAR Testing begins Tuesday March 22nd here at 21st Century. Please click the link below to access further details.
almost 3 years ago, Angela Starks
Today is St. Patty's Day!! Here's a glimpse into Ms. Kohut & Mrs. Kirkham's OT/Speech Group with Mrs. Alexander's class. Today students listened to a read-a-loud called "Pete the Cat's Leprechaun Chase" & did an activity that coincided with the story. Way to go Mrs. Alexander's class!
almost 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
Mrs. Alexander's OT/Speech Group
Mrs. Alexander's OT/Speech Group
Mrs. Alexander's OT/Speech Group
Mrs. Alexander's OT/Speech Group
Here's a glimpse into Mrs. Adams 3rd Grade class! Today in Guided Reading Group 34, the students read a story called, "Just the Two of Us" by Will Smith. Great story & great reading 3rd grade scholars.
about 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
3rd Grade Adams- Guided Reading Group
3rd Grade Adams- Guided Reading Group
Good Morning 21st Century Families, Please join us for our student of the month assembly on Friday, March 25, 2022 at 8:30am. The character trait for the month of March is acceptance. We are looking forward to celebrating those students who have demonstrated acceptance all month long.
about 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
March Student of the Month- Acceptance
Let's take a look into Mrs. Petrulis 3rd grade class! Today in Reading, students are reading a chapter book called, "The Year of Miss Agnes" by Kirpatrick Hill & answering questions from the text as a class. Great discussion today 3rd grade scholars!
about 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
Mrs. Petrulis 3rd Grade- Reading
Mrs. Petrulis 3rd Grade- Reading
Mrs. Petrulis 3rd Grade- Reading
Mrs. Petrulis 3rd Grade- Reading
Hello 21st Century Families, Ms. Ansburg's 1st grade class is practicing fluency today! Each student reads a passage while the other student keeps time to see how many words they can read in a minute. Way to go 1st grade scholars!
about 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
1st Grade Ansburg- Fluency
1st Grade Ansburg- Fluency
1st Grade Ansburg- Fluency
Are you interested in working in our school district? Please join us for our Virtual Job Fair on Thursday, March 31, 2022!
about 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
Virtual Job Fair- March 31st