Please join us for our District Math Night on March 17th at 6:30pm via Zoom! Zoom Access: Password: math
about 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
Math Night- March 17th
Good Morning 21st Century Families! We are happy to welcome our scholars back from Mid-Winter Break today! Please note: Tuesday, March 15th is no school due to Teacher Institute Day. Have a great day!
about 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
Teacher Institute Day- No School- March 15th
Hello 21st Century Families Please view out March Newsletter Please click the link below...
about 3 years ago, Angela Starks
Here's our kindergarten friends from Ms. Cristelli's class in STEAM/CAPE with Mr. Jordan. Today they displayed different ways space is used with sand layers and clay creations! We love the creativity Kindergarten!
about 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
More pics from Silly Sock Day!
about 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
Silly Sock Day
Silly Sock Day
Silly Sock Day
Silly Sock Day
Good Afternoon 21st Century Families! Today was Silly Sock Day! We loved seeing all the silly socks from the students & staff. Encourage your student to read, "Fox in Socks" by Dr. Seuss today. Tomorrow starts our Mid-Winter Break so there is no school tomorrow or Monday. Please encourage your scholar to read their favorite Dr. Seuss book at home tomorrow & add minutes to their reading log. Have a great 4-day weekend.
about 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
Silly Sock Day
Silly Sock Day
Silly Sock Day
Silly Sock Day
Yesterday we wore red, black, & white for Dr. Seuss' birthday! Here's our kindergarten friends from Ms. Mulderink's class saying, "Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!"
about 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss Week has been a blast! Here are some pics from Wear Green Day for "Green Eggs & Ham!"
about 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
Dr. Seuss Week- Wear Green
Dr. Seuss Week- Wear Green
Dr. Seuss Week- Wear Green
Dr. Seuss Week- Wear Green
Hello 21st Century Families! Today in Music with Ms. Husa, our 3rd grade friends from Mrs. Adams/Alexander class got a chance to try out some different instruments. The class was divided into groups & each group had to play a different part to the story/song. They played the rhythm sticks, drums, tambourine, triangle, tone blocks, & Boom whackers! Way to go 3rd Grade!
about 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
3rd Grade Music
3rd Grade Music
3rd Grade Music
3rd Grade Music
Congrats to all of our student of the month nominees!
about 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
February Student of the Month- Self-Advocacy
February Student of the Month- Self-Advocacy
February Student of the Month- Self-Advocacy
Congrats to all of our student of the month honorees!
about 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
February Student of the Month- Self-Advocacy
February Student of the Month- Self-Advocacy
Congratulations to all of our student of the month honorees!! The character trait for the month of February was self-advocacy & they have been doing a great job advocating for themselves all month long! A special congrats to Marrion Washington for receiving a fire tablet from the Park Forest Police Department! A huge thank you to the PFPD for all you do for the community & for contributing to the lives of our students!
about 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
February Student of the Month- Self-Advocacy
February Student of the Month- Self-Advocacy
February Student of the Month- Self-Advocacy
February Student of the Month- Self-Advocacy
Good Morning this is a reminder that our February Parent Teacher Meeting will be held today 2/28/22 at 1:30 pm on Zoom. It will be hosted by our very own 21st Century PTO President Mrs. Shelby. Please click the link below to join us at 1:30 pm.. Topic: February Parent Teacher Organization Meeting Time: Feb 28, 2022 01:30 PM Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 629 559 9576 Passcode: PTO
about 3 years ago, Angela Starks
Hello 21st Century School Families... This is a reminder, Mid-Winter Break is quickly approaching. 21st Century School will be closed March 4th and March 7th. Classes will resume, Tuesday March 8th.
about 3 years ago, Angela Starks
Happy TWOSDAY (Tuesday, 2-22-22) 21st Century Families from our 2nd grade friends!
about 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
Hello 21st Century Families, Here's some pics from recording day! Everyone did such an awesome job! Stay tuned for the virtual premiere on Feb. 24th at 7 pm on the District 163 YouTube page!
about 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
Black History Program-Recording Day-Students
Black History Program-Recording Day-Students
Black History Program-Recording Day-Students
Black History Program-Recording Day-Students
Good morning 21st Century Families, Join us on Feb. 25th as we celebrate our students of the month who have demonstrated the character trait of the month which is self advocacy. Topic: 21st Century February Student of the Month- Self Advocacy Time: Feb 25, 2022 08:30 AM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 742 4894 2994 Passcode: 21Students
about 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
February Student of the Month
Hello 21st Century Families, Beginning Monday, February 14, 2022, we will provide daily attendance notification calls beginning at 10:00 AM. We are working to update our attendance communications. Please remember to call your school secretary by 8:15 AM if your child will not be in attendance that day. Thank you for your partnership.   
about 3 years ago, Angela Starks
Good Afternoon 21st Century Families! Thursday February 24,2022 is an early dismissal day. Students will be served lunch & dismissed at 12:30pm. Please make sure there is someone to pick up your student from school or retrieve your student after getting off the bus. Also there will be no afterschool XSTEAM due to the early release. Have a great day!
about 3 years ago, La' Joya Albright
early dismissal
We love the creative learning that takes place in Ms. Vincent's Class. Some of our 2nd grade scholars are learning how to make sentence structures with a game called "Silly Sentences" while others are reading & painting their spelling words. How creative is that?! Way to go 2nd grade!
about 3 years ago, Shannon McGee
Ms. Vincent's 2nd Grade Class
Ms. Vincent's 2nd Grade Class
Ms. Vincent's 2nd Grade Class
Ms. Vincent's 2nd Grade Class